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Kylie's POV

Wow 3 weeks of ash I could get used to this! Of course there's micheal, but I mean, he's always off with his secret girlfriend somewhere.

So Ash is all mine.

"Hey Kylie, wanna head to explicit with me?" Ash asks, standing at my doorstep.

"Um I don't really like that store, I mean the point is rediculous! changing who you are to fit in! I mean people don't need to have more peircings and tatoos, or dye their hair, or wear skimpy clothing"

"Wow good girl, I think you just described Addi. Who, I hear from luke, you are jealous of"

"Am not"

"I can see why though, she is really hot"

"Hey" wow ash really knows how to make a girl feel terrible.

"But, she needs the things to be hot, where as, you don't"

"I've never been called hot before"

"Well I mean you are 14. that's the problem with you, if you were 18 17 or 16 we could date, but your 4 years younger than me."


"Yea, I mean, I figured you would be more immature but I mean your not bad"

"Wow ash, your actually being kinda mean right now"

{Ash POV}

Me? mean? that's the last thing I wanna be! I mean, I grew up with no dad so I mean, I know how much things can hurt. if I'm hurting her, I'm glad she told me. Cause when you hurt others, you my as well hurt yourself.

"I'm sorry i wasn't trying to hurt you"

"It's okay"

"We should see a movie this week"


"Well your excited so, Friday, ill pick you up at 8"

Wow, I'm on a date with a 14 year old, just wow!

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