Chapter 5

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Yuji exhaled smoke and watched me with heavy eyelids.
"Maggie Jeffries. 23.  Social security number 51x-xx-xxx. Three siblings, two parents that are divorced and.."
he stopped, studying me again..
"boyfriend? Definitely not."

I watched him out of the corner of my eye.
"How would you know?"

Yuji took a long drag of his cigarette and shrugged.
"No man allows his girlfriend to come all the way to a foreign country without him."

I wiggled my wrists the best I could to get the circulation to return to them but the rope wouldn't budge.

Yuji stared at me with his dark eyes before looking at Nala who was sprawled out on a large sofa. Her body rose up and fell with every breath she took. Kida, Yuji's accomplice, stroked her hair.

"Don't you touch her!" I yelled.

Kida ignored me.
"Nala Matias. 24. One sister. Raised by a single father. Deceased mother. Social security number 38x-xx-xxx."

I jerked in my seat and fell onto the carpeted floor with a thud. Yuji squatted in front of me with a bored look. The cigarette was nearly done.
"Your father... Henry Jeffries. Jeffries & Co International."
He flicked the cigarette butt and stepped on it.
My phone was extracted from his pocket and he held it out to me.

"You will call him and tell him to wire money to this account number. $750,000 for yourself and $500,000 for your companion. That's the average price of an American."

My mouth fell open and I shook my head.
"Are you out of your mind?"

Kida, Nala's fling, looked over Nala's unconscious form before chiming it.
"Be lucky the price isn't higher."

A wave of dread washed over me.
"Just let us go. We'll get a plane and nobody will ever here from us again."

Yuji shook his head.
"You went straight to the police... Besides, this isn't my call. We can't afford to let high priced merchandise slip through our fingers. I'm giving you a shot... Have your father buy your freedom. We are businessmen."

Nala began to stir in her sleep.
"Mags.." she called out sleepily.

Kida tucked her hair behind her ear and watched her silently.

Kida looked up from Nala and locked eyes with Yuji.
"Maybe I can buy her myself..."

"Buy?! Boy, she's not-!"

Yuji cupped my chain and placed his finger against my lips with a warning look in his slanted eyes.

"The option is rarely put on the table.. you have forty eight hours."
He said slowly. The phone was pushed into my hand and I dialed my father's number quickly.

He picked up after the third ring and I could finally breathe again.
"Hello?" He spoke. I could hear voices in the background, he wasn't alone.

I tightened my hold on the phone.
"Dad!" I breathed out. "I need your help, please don't hang up!"

I could hear shuffling on his side of the phone and then there was silence.

I was scared that he might have hung up the phone but he came back shortly.
"Maggie, what's going on?"

"Nala and I have been kidnapped. We don't have our passports, my ID, they-they even took my birth control. We're in Japan and"
I rushed out.

My dad chuckled.
"Hold on, what do you mean you're in Japan? Is this a prank? Sweetheart, you know I'm very busy. Did Nala put you up to it? That silly girl."

I wiped the snot that was running from my nose and balled up my fist.
"Dad this is serious! They want $750,000 for me and an additional $50,000 for Nala! Please give them the money. Borrow it from one of your work friends, something!"

My father stopped laughing and sputtered on the other end of the phone.
"$750,000? Now I know this is a joke."

"Dad, please just wire me the money. I'll get it back to you as soon as possible. Please, I-I'm scared dad! I only have 48 hours! I know you have a lot of money stored away in a trust fund. You talked about it all the time."
I sobbed into the phone.

"I'm not wiring you that much money. I don't know if your mother is also behind this but we will talk about this later on. I've really got to go. Goodbye Maggie."
He replied stiffly and all I got was a dial tone before I could even protest.

The phone fell out of my hand and I tried to process what had just happened.

"Yes... If you don't get the money within 48 hours... I will gladly buy Nala."
Kida said lowly.

Yuji pulled me to my feet and sat me upright against the bed.

"You two will stay here tonight... Kida, lets go..."
He commanded.

Kida groaned in annoyance, giving Nala a lingering look before hoping off of the bed like a child. He smirked at me as he walked past.

"What if I have to use the restroom...?"
I whispered sadly.

Yuji grabbed my bound hands and rubbed around the bruised area where the rope had cut into the skin.

"You'll have to hold it until I come back. You women can't be trusted."
He deadpanned.

Both men filed out of the room silently and swiftly. I waited until I was sure they were gone before I started to scream.

Nala woke up immediately and screamed too.
"What the fuck?!? Maggie? Maggie?!"

I stopped screaming and called up to her.
"I'm down here!"

She rolled off the side of the bed and groaned in discomfort. She tried to move her hands but hers were bound as well.

"Ok, what's going on here? Why are our hands bound?!"
She quipped.

I gave her the short version of our situation and she frowned.

"Nah... Nala Matias is nobody's property. I say we bite the shit out of them when they come back and just keep biting until they die from massive blood loss."
She raged.

I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing at my friend.
"My dad said that we'll talk about it later. I know he'll most likely call my mom. Somebody will come looking for us."

Nala moved closer to me and laid her head on my shoulder.
"Maggie.. I'm scared.."

There was a heavy silence between us before I turned to her with tired eyes.

"I am too..."

I was nudged awake by a polished black shoe and Nala cracked her eyes open slowly.

A pot was placed in front of me.
"Make it quick.."

A knife used to cut the rope and when my hands were freed Yuji tossed the knife back and forth between his hands.

"That look in your eyes makes you out to be a predator... Don't try anything. I could dismember both of you in under ten minutes.."

Our plan quickly went out the window.

I've been watching a lot of weird tv shows...

Weird stuff....

Weird stuff...

Thank you for reading the chapter ❤️ As always, please vote and comment.

~Madison 😘

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