Chapter 36

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   Trigger warning: Rape description ahead. Read at your own risk.

I understand that this topic is disturbing and uncomfortable. I wanted to include this because this, although completely disheartening and sad, happens more often than we think. My writing does not shy away from realism.

However, If you cannot stomach this topic, I advise you to not read this chapter.

And for all the survivors of similar assaults, I wish you no disrespect. You are stronger than you know and I am praying for your continued healing.


My eye was swollen and dried blood was crusted on the sleeve of my kimono. The blood dripping from my nose was an indication that I failed yet again to stop the nosebleed. I pressed the kimono sleeve against my nose and tried not to swallow the blood this time. The fabric become soaked with the metallic liquid and I wondered if anyone had ever died from a nose bleed. It was an interesting thought. 

My stomach growled and I wondered if the man was ever coming back. I hoped that the did because he was the only one that could unlock the door but on another hand, I wish that he didn't because I was sure that I had exhausted my usefulness to him. Dying in a place like this was not how I wanted my life to end. I could hear him cursing and throwing things around somewhere close by. I also wondered if the nail that I had embedded into his face was easy for him to extract...

It served him right for what he had done...

When I wasn't getting beat or force fed bowls of rice and stew, I was submitted to another form of torment: I had discovered that my captor was obsessed with my smell. For hours, he would wrap his arms around me and press his nose in the crook of my neck. I wanted to gag every time I felt his hot breath on my neck but I knew better than to deny him. This provoked the most aggressiveness from him when I was not compliant with his wishes.

What had started out routinely quickly turned into something of the.. sexual nature. He started to slide his hand up my kimono and I trapped his hand between my thighs tightly, turning away from him.
He used his other hand to try and pry them open until I pushed against his face. I made sure to dig my nails into the skin and succeeded in punching him in the throat. He gagged, clutching his throat and I turned to crawl away. His hand snakes around my ankle and he tugged sharply.

"No! Stop it!"
He pulled me back to him and flipped me over with ease. My foot went between his legs and he choked falling on top of me. I couldn't slide out from beneath him due to the heaviness of his body. My hands balled into fists and I landed a punch to his face. It made no difference and the man bit my hand harshly. I shouted out in pain and he sat up quickly, gnashing his teeth angrily. I kicked him in the stomach but he wasn't deterred. He landed a smack across my face and I clutched my cheek, already feeling the tears leave my eyes. It hurt like any other time he manhandled me and I cursed at him.
"My husband is going to kill you, you sick piece of shit!"

The man had a murderous look in his eyes. A solid punch was delivered to my nose and he pulled me back onto the futon bed. The pain was unreal and I could taste the blood in my mouth. The pain was so great that it caused me to feel dizzy and my movements were slowed. My captor started to undress quickly after noticing my subdued state. I started to scream loudly when he untied the belt of his kimono and pushed the fabric off his shoulders. The next thing to go was the shirt underneath and I watched in disgust as he pulled it over his head.

There was a patch of badly burned skin in the middle of his hairless chest. There was also a lump on his side, near his rib cage where it looked like a bone of some kind trying to break through the skin. I couldn't take my eyes away from it and my captor must have known that I was staring at it because he grabbed my hair until I was looking him in the eye. I could feel the blood from my nose leaking down my chin. I blinked my eyes rapidly to stop the tears that started to blind me.

Yakuza Boy: Or the Man with Painted Flesh (~Unedited~)Where stories live. Discover now