Chapter 19

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I awoke from my sleep with a gasp when liquid started to fall on my face. I was startled and terrified until I realized I was the only one inside the small room I called my own and that the liquid was only water. The covers were pushed back and I watched my sheets turn a darker, richer color as they absorbed the water.

Of course, the leak had to be in my room.

Feeling rested enough, I decided to start my day. I slid the door to open, and walked the short distance to the bathroom, before locking myself in. The house was quiet as usual and I relieved myself, making sure to wash my hands before I left.

The cold wooden boards creaked underneath my feet and the contact of the icy surface on the soles of my feet, pulled me from the fog of sleep with each step I took.

I was headed directly to the kitchen.

That's what I was in the mood for. If my memory served me correctly, there was enough eggs and plenty of rice to make the tasty dish.

My stomach growled in response. I'd only had it once when I was under the watchful eye of Yumiro. How could something so simply taste so good? It was perfect and the only thing stopping me from recreating it myself was the high chance that it wouldn't taste as heavenly as his had.

I rounded the corner and I was honestly surprised by the huge breakfast lining the table.

Yuji was drinking a cup of coffee and eating a simple rice ball as if he were completely oblivious to the assortment of steaming food set out on the large oak table.

He looked up from his coffee, offering me a slight head nod. I took the seat next to him and groaned. A large serving of omurice was placed directly in front of me.

"Arigato.." I thanked him with a bow and after a quick prayer over my food, I gathered a large portion onto a spoon.

I couldn't stop the moan that escaped my mouth when the flavor exploded on my tongue.
"Oh.. my .. god..!"
I gasped through my mouthful of partially chewed egg and rice.

Yuji popped the rest of the Ongiri into his mouth and drained his coffee mug.
"... Yumiro told me about your love for the dish. I did my best to recreate it. Good?"

I nodded my head frantically and cleared the whole plate, ignoring the pain in my throat from trying to swallow such a large amount at one time. The Furikake was just right and I eyed the miso soup intensely before dropping my spoon and slurping the soup loudly.

Yuji eyebrow rose at my behavior but I didn't care one bit. I was about to be in food coma.

"It's soo good." I panted. I poured myself a glass of water and pushed the food down my throat.

Yuji simply nodded with a smile. He didn't say much after that but I wasn't off put in the least.

I moved onto the Natto, savoring it slowly and feeling a sense of pride that I didn't gag anymore while eating it. My pallet was so accustomed to the country's food.

I was on my second grilled fish when Yuji laughed lowly, shaking his head.
"You don't have to eat everything at once. It will not disappear. You eat like a prisoner on death row."

I couldn't help it... I loved food.

When I finally dropped my utensils, the miso soup was gone and the omurice dish was spotless. Yuji watched me with fascination the entire time, cocking his head to the side from time to time.

My body felt a lot heavier but I was full and ready to return to bed.

"Bed... Oh! .. There's water coming from the ceiling in my room."
I told him, collecting my empty plates and putting them on the counter.

Yakuza Boy: Or the Man with Painted Flesh (~Unedited~)Where stories live. Discover now