Chapter 30

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The decorative veil shaded the top of my head and rested along my shoulders. I was thankful for this because I didn't think I could meet the eyes of all the strangers in attendance. All the people I would have even invited were thousands of miles away and it still hurt to think about it. This was my first time seeing a shrine outside of a textbook and I clasped my hands together, treading lightly toward the priest. Yuji's demeanor was starkly different from my own. He walked alongside me, head held high, and even more handsome than the first time I laid eyes on him.

A group of clean shaven young men in blue kimonos play a tune on flutelike instruments and we walk behind them slowly. Another man is behind us with a large umbrella that shields the both of us from the drizzle that started earlier this morning. The tune seems more sad than upbeat but I was far from an expert when it came to Shinto weddings so I held my tongue as to not embarrass myself.

I knew my roles for the ceremony and had practiced with the seamstresses for weeks. This ceremony was intricate and I just prayed that I wouldn't become scatterbrained when it was time.

We stand in front of the priest, bow to him and step closer to the alter. Yuji takes my hand and we both kneel on a plush mat. The priest says a few things, waving his hands excitedly and I bow again when I see Yuji repeat the action. A wooden drink canister decorated with flowers is brought before us and we are presented with three glasses, differing in shape. Yuji holds the first glass out in front of him, watches a woman in a white robe fill the cup, and takes a sip of it before passing it to me. The taste is unexpected but not too unpleasant. It reminds me of beer but it's lighter and I manage to keep a straight face after I drink it. A small man with glasses and a serious face snaps a photo of us and scurries back to the sidelines quickly. An alarm of sorts is rung and I look around curiously. The first cup is to show appreciation for the ancestors... Well, Yuji's ancestors.

I spot the clan's Boss and he bows in my direction making the motion of a cup being brought to his lips.
I return my attention back to the ceremony and Yuji is holding out another glass of sake. I apologize and swallow the liquid just as quickly as I did the first but I'm surprised that this drink tastes different. There's a hint of rose water and citrus. This cup symbolizes the Earth and the our vow to care for each other for as long as we live.

The alarm sounds.
I don't bother to look around.

A candle is lit and a final glass, the largest of the three, is passed to Yuji and I. I like the taste of the last one.. it tastes like honey and I'm filled with warmth. This cup represents people and is meant to invoke luck along with prayer in terms of fertility.
I was in no hurry to have children but I had no idea how Yuji felt about it. I wondered if Yuji ever thought about having a smaller version of himself and how a Blasian child would fair in Japan..

Next, A wooden comb is handed to me wrapped in cloth. I make a quick prayer to God for our safety and long lives. I hand the comb to Yuji and he places it back on the alter. We both bow and we move on to another phase of the ceremony. He reads the vow that is prepared for us and I look on, smiling at Yuji's change of tone when he speaks in his native tongue.
I don't say much during this part of the wedding.

Lastly, We present the leaves to the Shinto Gods. I pray that my mother will live out the rest of her days without worry.

A sob and a sniffle bring make me snap my head up.

I gasp when I lay eyes on my mother.

"Oh my God! Mama?"

My mother stands from her spot nodding her head and my first instinct is to run into her arms. Yuji places his hand on my shoulder and we have a silence conversation. Yuji and I face each other slowly. A beautiful band is slid onto my finger and my hands are shaking so badly when it's my turn to do the same for him.

The priest shouts and everyone claps excitedly.

Yuji guides me away from the alter and the guests all come to the alter to enjoy sake.

My foot taps anxiously.
"My mom. How? When? It's really my mama. I want to see her. Can I see her?"

Yuji holds my hands.

"I paid for her flight. She and I had a talk and I know how important it was for you to have your mother here."

Tears spring to my eyes and I throw my arms around Yuji, crying.

"Thank you, Yuji. Thank you so much for doing this for me. Thank you.."
I blubber.

Yuji lets me cry for a few minutes and pulls away when a throat clears. I wipe my eyes quickly and refuse to turn my eyes to the ground when the Boss sets his hard gaze on me. We stare each other down before he cracks a smile, clasping my hands between his own.

"Such a beautiful daughter I now have. I have allowed this meeting between your 母親. Do not give me a reason to regret this decision. Blessings."
He speaks slowly before bowing his head to us both and leaving with his usual escorts.

Yuji leads me over to my mother and we ran at each other full force. We cry and laugh then cry some more before I recap her about the past eight and a half months. Yuji allows us to talk discreetly and I'm surprised when he comes comes back with a stack of envelopes and a suite key.

"So sorry to interrupt... Maggie, we have to get checked into our room in the next hour. I know you're ready to get out of this heavy kimono."

I look from Yuji to my mom and pout sadly.
"Can't we stay a little longer?"

Yuji holds my face in his hands.
"You have been talking to your mother for two hours. We've been gifted a beautiful honeymoon suite and to refuse it would be high disrespectful. I promise that you will see your mother as soon as it is done. She is staying with us for two weeks."

I smile happily but it quickly turns into a frown.
"Where will mama stay? Is she going to be ok?"

Yuji nodded.
"Your mother will stay in the same hotel as us but she will be on a different floor and will be accompanied there and back by two of our most trusted members. The Boss handpicked them his self. I promise you that she will be ok."

My mom and I hug each other tightly, afraid to let go but I comply. I trusted my husband... He had brought my mother to Japan and for that, I was happy.

"I love you, mama."
I tell her with one more squeeze, smiling.

Two cars are waiting at the front of the shrine. We part ways and I try to calm the beating of my heart in anticipation of what is to come.

It is our wedding night of course..


It's a whole double update.


You read that right.

Read on.

Next is the wedding night chapter 😌

How we feeling?

Are we really at 107k reads?

Big OOF!

As always,
Thank you for reading, commenting and voting.

_Madison ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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