Chapter 31

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[❗️EXTREMELY MATURE, 18+ CONTENT AHEAD. You have been warned ❗️]

The sexual tension in the air was suffocating and the ride up to our honeymoon suite was evidence of that. Yuji licked his lips, gripping the room key and my hand tightly. He was watching me but my eyes went to my sandal clad feet and the Kimono felt tighter on my body. I snuck a glance at Yuji from the corner of my eye and he was biting his lip. His eyes met mine and I looked away, shaking like a leaf.

The doors of the elevator slid open and Yuji walked at a fast pace as I jogged to keep up with his steps. He never released my hand and when he slid the key into the door's key pad, my heart was thundering inside my chest. My head was dizzy from the anticipation; thoughts of what could happen... what might happen... and what I knew would happen.
Yuji was unlike any man I had ever been with when it came to intimacy and something inside me hinted that this time...

This time it would be different.

Yuji opened the door and my jaw dropped at the sight of our room because it was nothing short of beautiful. It was styled in a traditional sense but still decorated elegantly: sliding doors,  on the other side of the room, a large king sized bed in the center of the room, a gorgeous crystal light fixture, a large bouquet filled vase that made the air smell of honeyed flowers, and erotic art...

I jumped when Yuji scooped me into his arms and walked over the threshold.

"An American custom.. I heard.."
He simply stated and placed me back on my feet after watching me squirm in his arms.

Very erotic pieces hung on the wall. Shunga is what they called it, I remembered reading up it in a book back home. Unbeknownst to Yuji, I had found a room in his home that held a Shunga painting or two. I cleared my throat and could feel the burn of the blush heating up my face. Had it gotten warmer in the room all of a sudden?

My curiosity got the better of me and I turned away from the pictures, making my way toward the sliding door... but was stopped by large hands on my waist.

"Not yet, sweetheart..." he whispers against my ear. I'm pulled back into his solid chest, he walks us backward, sitting on the bed and letting his arms fall from my body to undress himself.

Yuji removed his hat and shoes, repeating the action with me. The gold and orange hairpiece was removed from my hair and my hair tumbled down immediately. My hair hadn't been flat ironed in a few years but now I remembered why I used to put heat on it every now and then. My Afro and my braids were go to styles for me but it was much easier this way, especially since I didn't trust anyone besides my mother and aunt to braid my hair. Yuji was, again, fascinated by the versatility of my hairstyles. I brushed a long strand behind my ear and blushed when Yuji started to take off his robe.

My breath caught when his bare chest was revealed. His hair had gotten longer and he removed the band that held it back. The bottom half waved slightly and I swallowed a few times to add moisture to my mouth. Anxiety had my feet moving on their own and I took a seat on the other side of the bed.. away from my husband...

My slick hands removed my jewelry and I attempted to undo the intricate bow of my kimono when Yuji's larger body caused the bed to dip behind me.

"Let me..."
he spoke with a slightly deeper voice.

He rested both of his hands on my waist, untied my bow and slowly peeled my kimono off. The white fabric slid down my shoulders slowly. Goosebumps spread over my skin quickly and I straightened my posture. Yuji kissed my check and peppered kisses over my shoulder slowly. I panted lowly and melted into his touch, still unsure of how to make a move or what move to make at all so I waited silently. The kimono pooled around my waist and I heard his breath catch and I looked over my shoulder at him nervously. I sighed with relief when I saw his eyes filled with lust. The lacy orange lingerie was a gift from the old women that tailored my dress. They told me how the color clashed so beautifully against my brown skin and insisted that I get it, ensuring that it would make Yuji a very happy man. I turned around slowly, letting him see me fully and Yuji caressed my body.

Yakuza Boy: Or the Man with Painted Flesh (~Unedited~)Where stories live. Discover now