Chapter 8

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My hand lingered on the door and I was conflicted on wether or not to bother Yuji in his current state. He was quite the busy body these days but he was also a more irritable person. Small talk during meal times was nonexistent and when I did try to start a conversation with him, he'd snatch up his food and leave the table. I had never seen this side of him and normally, I would have given him his space but I wanted to see Nala. Yuji had no reason to lie to me anymore and though he had assured me that Nala was in good health, I still wanted to see for myself.

Being pent up in the house all the time made me resort to all kinds of things to entertain myself. I made a game of cleaning the downstairs area as quickly as I could, trying to beat the time I had set the day prior. The television downstairs no longer offered me an escape like it did before so Yuji stopped paying for cable. My cooking seemed to improve and I was proud of myself. Yuji even threw in a kind word or two about it when he wasn't being such a hard ass.

The entire second level of the house had been explored except for Yuji's room. There was an extra room but it was vacant and empty. There was a discolored spot on the floor of the room and I immediately went back the way I came upon discovering it. Something told me that it held bad memories. Yuji's room was closer to mine and unlike my room's door, the door's knob had a keyhole. The door was always closed and it looked average enough on the outside but I wouldn't just wonder into a lion's den. I hadn't forgotten what kind of person I was living with and although things were going smoothly... I was still in this situation because of a crime syndicate. I might have had a bed and a roof over my head but I couldn't get over one detail: Yuji bought me. I belonged to no one...

Yuji only got handsy when he was intoxicated and it was never a touch that caused me bodily harm but I didn't know a thing about Kida. Images of Nala black eyed and bruised often crossed my mind. When the insomnia didn't keep me up at night, thoughts like that did.

I knocked on the door of Yuji's room and it opened up just as quickly.

Yuji stood on the other side in a brown suit and my eyebrow rose in question

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Yuji stood on the other side in a brown suit and my eyebrow rose in question. Two or three women had been over the house in the past few days and my feelings were neutral. I got some unwelcome looks but I just went about my business. Maybe he was going on a date? Maybe he was tying them up too? I pushed my questions about his change of style to the back of my mind and placed my hands at my sides.

"I want to see Nala."

"I'm busy.."
He said flatly.

"I want to see Nala and if I can't do that, let me speak to her."
I countered.

Yuji put his hands in his pockets and retrieved his cell phone.
"Five minutes. I'm leaving in a few minutes."

I took the phone from him and turned to walk back to my room but Yuji wasn't having it. He grabbed my hand and turned me back around.

"Make the call. I don't trust you."

I dialed her number and she picked up after two rings.
"Maggie!" She sang.

My heart relaxed. My body wasn't as tense anymore and I was relieved that she didn't sound like she was in poor health but I was quite taken back by the cheerfulness of her voice.

"Hey Nala. You sound... happy??"
I questioned.

I could hear Kida laughing in the background and Nala said something to him before returning to the call.
"I'm actually really fine with his arrangement. Kida is such a sweet guy."

My silence spoke volumes.

"Hello? Maggie?... Hellloooooo???"
Nala dragged out on the other end of the phone.

Yuji took the phone from my hand and ended the call. He gave me a quizzical look before walking around me and I heard his footsteps go down the stairs.

So many questions..

When the mental fog had evaporated, I found that I was the only one in the house.

"I need some air..."
I spoke out loud.

The slippers next to the front door looked inviting and I unconsciously picked them up.

I slipped my feet into them and looked for an exit. I lifted the window located next to the door. I shielded my eyes from the rays of sunlight that streamed in and when I had my feet planted on the soft earth, I exhaled. A bee zipped past my ear and I jumped back.

It had been little over a month since I had been outside the house and I had almost forgotten how good it felt to just be in the sun. The back of the home had a small rock garden and I sat down next to it, amazed by the small structure. Memories of when I had asked my father for one when I was younger because I had seen one in the gardening magazines my mother got monthly subscriptions for. It was so unique and different compared to the large pots of flowers my mother kept indoors. Thankfully I didn't have allergies but the smell that wafted up from the flowers always made my stomach turn.

A gust of wind blew against the trees and the small bamboo fountain clinked. I was at peace sitting next the solitary rocks and more comfortable than I had ever felt inside the house.

I must have been sitting outside for hours and I froze when I heard my name being yelled nearby

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I must have been sitting outside for hours and I froze when I heard my name being yelled nearby.

I scrambled to my feet as quickly as I could and tried to run around the other side of the house when I heard Yuji's voice but he was already waiting on the other side with anger in his eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing?"
He growled.

I couldn't come up with a coherent excuse and Yuji power-walked to me, grabbing my arm in a vice grip. I stumbled, trying to keep up with his speed and when he opened the door, I was flung to the floor.

I winced when my elbow made contact with the tile and Yuji slid the dead bolt in place along with some other things.

There would a bruise in the morning.

Yuji turned to me quickly and stood over me menacingly, shaking his finger toward my face.

"You still can't be trusted... You will stay inside of this house until I can find someone to watch you. Waraguki! You are more harm than you're worth."
He scolded me.

"Fuck you!"
I screamed in frustration.

Yuji stiffened and got directly in my face.
"Make no mistake... You can be sold again."
He spat.

We stared each other down in hatred and I stalked up the stairs with murder on my mind.

Issa update 🤷🏾‍♀️

Thank you for reading and as always, let me know what you think ❤️

_Madison 😘

Yakuza Boy: Or the Man with Painted Flesh (~Unedited~)Where stories live. Discover now