Chapter 5: Amnesia

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Seulgi was devastated by Joohyun's response. The realization that Joohyun couldn't remember her after all these years left her feeling hurt and depressed. Unable to bear the weight of her emotions, Seulgi left the room and made her way up to the roof.

Once there, Seulgi unleashed her frustration, screaming out her anguish to the heavens. She questioned why she was being made to suffer, feeling abandoned by fate itself. Moonbyul and Solar, concerned for Seulgi's well-being, rushed to the roof to check on her.

To their surprise, they found Seulgi smoking a pack of cigarettes in an attempt to cope with her turmoil. Moonbyul swiftly disposed of the cigarettes while Solar worked to calm Seulgi down. Solar explained to Seulgi that Joohyun was suffering from temporary amnesia, offering a glimmer of hope by revealing that there was a way to help Joohyun remember.

Solar urged Seulgi not to give up, emphasizing the importance of reminding Joohyun of their shared past and her likes and dislikes. Despite the immense stress it would entail, Seulgi needed to persevere for Joohyun's sake. She reminded Seulgi of the depth of her love for Joohyun and the sacrifices she had made for her.

After Solar left to attend to Irene, Moonbyul sat beside Seulgi, offering her support and guidance on how to navigate the challenging situation with patience and composure.

Moonbyul's words of reassurance hit home, prompting Seulgi to take a deep breath and compose herself. She realized that panicking wouldn't solve anything and that she needed to stay strong for Joohyun's sake.

Tears welled up in Seulgi's eyes as she leaned on Moonbyul's shoulder, allowing herself to be vulnerable in a way she rarely showed to anyone other than Joohyun, Moonbyul, and Kyungsoo. Their trust in her and her trust in them provided a comforting anchor in the midst of turmoil.Despite her efforts to calm down, Seulgi's mind continued to race with questions. How had Joohyun lost her memories? There were no apparent injuries to her head, no signs of trauma. The mystery only added to Seulgi's confusion and frustration.

Seeking solace, Seulgi retrieved her wallet and gazed down at the last picture she had of herself and Joohyun together, hoping it might offer some semblance of clarity in the midst of uncertainty.

Seuligi's POV

I flipped the picture and saw Joohyuns hand written letter on it.

"To my babybear,
Hi! I love youu soo muchh! Thank you for everything and I can't wait to marry you! Please wait for me okay? I'll be back soon bear. No smoking or drinking. You know I'm going to be pissed. And don't meet other people. You know I get jealous easily. Again, I love you my Bear.

Bunny Joooooohyunnnieeee"

As I looked at the last picture of Joohyun and me, along with her heartfelt letter, a wave of emotions washed over me. It was both my source of inspiration and a reminder of the promises I had broken. While I had managed to cut down on drinking, quitting smoking remained a struggle. And the dating scene? It held no allure for me; the encounters were shallow and unfulfilling.

Returning to Joohyun's room with Moonbyul, I found her sleeping peacefully, her delicate features highlighted by the pallor of her lips and skin. The urge to lean in and kiss her was strong, but I resisted, feeling the weight of our complicated situation pressing down on me.

I couldn't bear the thought of leaving Joohyun alone in the hospital, so I resolved to stay by her side. Wendy's visit brought some comfort, as she brought food, but Joohyun's memory loss remained a concern. Despite recalling basic information like her name and address, Joohyun seemed to have forgotten everything else, including our current living arrangement together.

Attempting to gently wake Joohyun, I was met with resistance. She seemed upset, claiming I had no right to disturb her sleep. The frustration and sadness gnawed at me as I wondered how we had ended up here.

"Joohyun wake up. It's time to eat."

"Excuse me? Who are you to wake me up? You don't have the right to wake me up."

"Well, you're in my hospital, and I happen to be your boss, so... you have to follow me, okay?"

"Fine. I'm sorry. What is the food?"

"Well I know you dislike chicken, so we brought tteokbokki for you."

"WAHHH! I like tteokbokki but how did you know I dislike chicken?

"Because im the best?" I joked

"Tch. I'm sorry but what's your name again? I totally forgot it"

"Im Kang Seulgi but you can call me Seulgi

"Has anyone told you that you look like a bear?"

"Hmmm, multiple times but I don't see it."

"Well, I'm not going to call you Seulgi. I shall call you Seulbear!"

"Seulbear? Sure, you can call me anything you like. But first, eat your food. It's getting cold, Joohyun."

"Irene. Just call me Irene." She demanded

"Fine Irene. Eat your food now"

It felt like ages since we had a proper conversation. Joohyun was still the same cute, witty bunny I fell in love with four years ago. After we finished eating, I suggested she rest, knowing tomorrow would be a busy day. Since she had no place to stay, Joohyun agreed to stay with me on the condition that I didn't do anything weird.

With Joohyun needing to stay in the hospital until tomorrow for further checks, I headed home and tackled the daunting task of cleaning up. Let me tell you, I'd rather face off against 50 enemies than deal with house chores. But after dusting bookshelves and mopping floors, I finally managed to make the place presentable.

Feeling accomplished, I made a trip to the 7/11 near my house. I picked up Joohyun's favorite snacks and some banana milk, hoping to make her stay as comfortable as possible.

8:50 PM

I arrived at the hospital and went directly to Joohyuns room. I didn't let anyone notice me or talk to me. I got inside Joohyuns room and to my surprise she was still sleeping. I gently woke her up and gave her the snacks.

"WAHHHH! SEULBEAR! YOU BOUGHT THESE FOR ME??" Joohyun exclaimed, her eyes widening with delight as she noticed the snacks and banana milk.

"Yeah.. I kinda got worried that you might be hungry so I brought you some snacks"

"You even got me a pack of Banana Milk!"

"Thank you so much, Seulbear!" Joohyun expressed her gratitude, enveloping me in a hug, a moment I had longed for in secret for the past four years. I stood there, stunned, my mouth agape in surprise..

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