Chapter 10: You're not welcome to my life anymore

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"And so that's how we met... Anymore questions?" Seulgi asked, wrapping up their discussion about their past. But there was one crucial detail she couldn't bring herself to reveal to Irene: what happened to both of them four years ago. The fear of telling Irene the truth weighed heavily on her mind.

Thinking quickly, Seulgi concocted an elaborate lie. "Oh, how come you have amnesia? As far as I remember, a car bumped into you, and luckily, you survived! So it was four years of coma, and I'm just so relieved that you're here with me," she fabricated, trying to make the story sound believable. To her relief, Irene seemed to buy it, sparing Seulgi from having to confront the painful truth-for now.

Irene wasn't permitted to leave the hospital, and Seulgi agreed with the decision. Despite this, the bear's stubbornness prevailed. Moonbyul, concerned for Seulgi's well-being, advised her to go home and rest for a few days. But the bear's stubbornness proved too strong. She refused to leave Irene's side, insisting on staying and even causing a scene in her determination to remain.

But in the end, she went home.

As Seulgi arrived home, she was met with the chaotic sounds of Kyungsoo and Baekhyun's argument echoing through the house. "MAYBE IF YOU DIDN'T CHEAT ON ME, WE WOULDN'T HAVE THIS FIGHT!" Kyungsoo's voice boomed, filled with anger and hurt.

Baekhyun, never one to back down, fired back, "CHEAT ON YOU? HELL, WHERE DID YOU GET THE EVIDENCE? WHERE'S THE PROOF? SEE, YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE THE PROOF, KYUNGSOO!" His words were sharp, dripping with defiance.

Seulgi didn't intervene. Instead, she quietly made her way to her room, seeking solace from the turmoil outside. But even in the sanctuary of her own space, she couldn't escape the intensity of the argument. "YOU KNOW WHAT, BAEKHYUN? IT'S OVER. WE'RE DONE," Kyungsoo's voice rang out.

As Kyungsoo uttered his last words, Seulgi heard a loud bang from the front door. Perhaps Baekhyun had left, or maybe it was Kyungsoo. Curiosity getting the better of her, Seulgi approached the door cautiously, only to find Kyungsoo outside, curled up in a ball, tears streaming down his face.

"Noona, how could he? We were together for 5 years and now look. It's over. I can't believe it," Kyungsoo expressed, his tears soaking into the fabric of Seulgi's T-shirt.

"Maybe he wasn't the one, Kyungsoo. There are plenty of fish in the sea. There are lots of people better than him," Seulgi reassured him with her calming voice, offering words of comfort to her little brother.

"Thanks, Noona. I'm going to rest for a bit. It's been a rough day," Kyungsoo replied, his voice heavy with exhaustion and sadness.

Seulgi stirred from her sleep to the sound of someone yelling her name. "Seul. Seul! Wake your ass up! You're such a lazy slob! Do you know what time it is? IT'S 3 IN THE AFTERNOON! You have to go to the office and talk to the new trainees. Now get up and take a shower, you smell bad," the voice persisted, filled with annoyance.

Confused and disoriented, Seulgi's eyes fluttered open, only to find herself drenched in sweat and staring at Irene, alive and well. She blinked a few times, trying to clear her vision, but the bed remained empty and cold, devoid of Irene's presence. It was as if Irene's voice had echoed in her mind.

As Seulgi finally awoke from her surreal dream, she felt determined to go to Irene's hospital. Feeling sentimental, she decided to stop by a florist and buy a bouquet of roses, hoping to bring a smile to Irene's face. With the flowers in hand, Seulgi made her way to the entrance of the hospital, her heart filled with anticipation.

However, just as she reached the entrance, she was stopped in her tracks.

"Are you Miss Kang Seulgi?" a police officer in uniform asked Seulgi as she approached the entrance of the hospital.

Seulgi, feeling a sense of unease, replied arrogantly, "Why? What do you want from me?" Her usual bravado masked a growing sense of fear. She had faced questioning from police officers before, but this time felt different.

"Miss Kang, we've received orders from our chief to bring you to the station," the officer informed her sternly.

Though annoyed, Seulgi complied with the officer's request, her mind racing with questions and uncertainty.

As Seulgi stepped into the police station, she was met with loud banging from the cells, inmates shouting, and even catcalls directed at her. Despite her bravado, she couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine at the chaotic atmosphere.

Once she reached the office, she prepared herself for whatever awaited her inside. However, what she saw in front of her was beyond her expectations. Chief Officer Park Jimin.

"Jesus Christ, can this get any worse?" Seulgi cursed inwardly as she laid eyes on Jimin standing before her. He was the last person she wanted to see. They had gone from classmates to best friends to lovers, only for it all to end on a sour note. The sight of him brought back a flood of memories and emotions that Seulgi would rather have left in the past.

"Ah Miss Kang. A pleasure to see you here" Jimin greeted. Seulgi rolled her eyes.

"Cut the bullshit, Jimin. Why'd you call me?" Seulgi retorted arrogantly, her patience wearing thin. She had hoped to never see Jimin again, yet here he was, standing right in front of her.

"Watch your attitude, Kang. You're in my kingdom," Jimin warned, his tone dripping with authority and underlying tension. But Seulgi didn't care at all. She rolled her eyes once again.

Jimin is the kind of person who always manages to get his way. Son of Korea's Second-Biggest Corporation. His brother is a well-known model who is running for president of his father's business. Jimin has encountered several enemies during her upbringing. A spoilt brat, Seulgi pointed out.

"What do you want, Park? Why'd you call me?" Seulgi asked again, her voice tinged with impatience.

"Well, since I've heard someone has put you on their watchlist, I'd like to help you," Jimin offered, his tone surprisingly earnest.

"You helping me? The Park Jimin helping a criminal? Is the world ending?" Seulgi replied sarcastically, clearly skeptical of Jimin's intentions. The last thing she wanted was Jimin's help."I'm being serious, Seul. Suho might kidnap Irene again, and this time, he'll show no mercy," Jimin warned, trying to appeal to Seulgi's sense of urgency.

"Listen, Jimin. Why the fuck are you helping me? You think this can solve the problems between us? No. And since you've cheated with I don't know a couple of people, I certainly won't need your help," Seulgi hissed, her anger simmering just beneath the surface.

"But Seul, please. Let me help," Jimin begged, desperation creeping into his voice.

Seulgi couldn't contain her frustration any longer. With a swift movement, she slammed her fist onto the table and locked eyes with Jimin. "You knew you fucked up, and you regretted it. Just because you have humility now doesn't mean you're forgiven. You fucked up. You left, and I suffered a lot. You're not welcome in my life anymore," she declared, her words cutting like knives.

Jimin was left speechless, unable to comprehend the depth of Seulgi's pain and resentment. "You better tell the Baes where Irene is. They might kill you," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, realizing the tension of the situation.

Seulgi forgot to tell the Bae's what happened. She arranged to meet them and to her surprise, they came the next day.

She wasn't ready for the outcome.

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