Chapter 9: But if its you, I can talk all day

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After Irene and Seulgi's initial physical contact, Irene abruptly pushed Seulgi away and hurried to the nearest restroom, locking herself inside. Unfortunately, Seulgi was unable to catch up to her.

"Joohyun! Please, open up! Let's talk. I'm really sorry. Please," Seulgi begged. She just wants her girlfriend back. She never meant for things to get so messed up. She didn't ask for all this drama.

"Seul? Where are you? Kang Seulgi? SEULGI!" Solar's voice echoed with concern as she hurried through the corridors, searching for her distressed junior. Spotting Seulgi on the ground, tears staining her cheeks, Solar's heart sank. She knelt beside her, gently calling her name, hoping to bring her back from whatever troubled state she was in.

"Assistance needed in Room 6. I repeat, assistance needed in Room 6," Solar urgently spoke into her walkie-talkie, her voice trembling slightly. With Seulgi in such distress, she knew they needed help. "And please call Moonbyul," she added, realizing that their fellow colleague might be able to provide support in this situation.

Byul rushed into the room and found Seulgi curled up in distress. "Seul, what's wrong? Oh, my God! Nurse Jennie, please come quickly!" Byul's voice trembled with concern as she struggled to comprehend seeing her best friend in such a state. Meanwhile, Solar was focused on trying to open the door to comfort Irene, her mind racing with worry for both her friend and her colleague.

"I heard an alert. What's going on?" Jennie questioned. But then she realized what the situation was. Help Byul and Seulgi or Help Solar and Irene? She chose the latter.

Irene finally managed to open the door and saw Seulgi running out. Her heart sank as she blamed herself for Seulgi's distress. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare anyone," Irene explained, her eyes welling up with tears as she struggled to express her remorse.

As Irene asked where Seulgi was going, a heavy silence fell over the room. No one dared to speak, unsure of Seulgi's whereabouts. Turning to Moonbyul, Irene sought answers. "Since you know Seulgi more than me, do you know where she is?" she inquired, her voice tinged with concern.

"Uhhhhhhhh, Seulgi? Maybe she's on the roof? But you can't go there. It's too dangerous," Moonbyul warned, her expression reflecting her worry.Despite still feeling weak and connected to an IV fluid, Irene knew she had to fix the situation she had unintentionally caused. With determination, she removed the IV and ran. Moonbyul attempted to catch her, but Irene's agility surprised everyone, outpacing Moonbyul effortlessly.

As Irene stepped into the elevator, she glanced back to see Moonbyul struggling to catch her breath. It was evident that Moonbyul's speed needed improvement. Sensing an opportunity, Irene teased Moonbyul with a mischievous smile. "AHHHH FUCK," Moonbyul exclaimed, startling the nurses nearby with her sudden outburst."Hmmm Roof huh? Well this hospital is pretty big so lets press 6". Boy she was so wrong. The elevator did reach the sixth floor but she needed to walk more stairs to reach the roof. She was determined to do that. Hell, giving up wasn't in her dictionary. And she did. She ran up the stairs and finally saw the metal door. Separating the outside world from the inside world. She was scared of what Seulgi would do to her.

Irene took a deep breath and opened the door. The cold air hitting her hair, the cold breeze touching her skin. She looked around but to no avail, she couldn't find Seulgi. While she was looking around, she saw a lot of cigarette boxes. Then it hit her. A flash memory of Seulgi smoking. She fell to the ground luckily Seulgi found her.

"Irene? What are you doing here? It's not safe for you to be here alone. Where's Moonbyul? Or Solar? What if you get hurt, and I'm not there to help you? I could never forgive myself, Irene," Seulgi panicked, her voice trembling with concern.

"Enough, Seulgi. You smell like smoke. You know I don't like smoking, right?" Irene screamed, her frustration evident. Seulgi was taken aback by Irene's outburst, stunned into silence.

"IRENE?!? IRENE, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!" Muffled voices echoed from behind the metal door, startling both Irene and Seulgi. Irene instinctively hid behind Seulgi, seeking protection from the unknown.

The door finally busted open, and to their relief, it was Moonbyul standing there. "Ah, there you are! Jeez, Irene, don't ever run away like that! You know you're faster than all of us, right?" Moonbyul complained between pants, her silver hair slightly disheveled from running.

"Uhm, Byul? Can you leave us for a bit? It's kinda private, bro," the bear requested, and Moonbyul obediently exited the room, leaving Irene and Seulgi alone.As Seulgi stood there, still hiding behind Seul's back, Irene's heart continued to race, though her nerves were gradually calming. "You ran away, huh? You still have the speed of a bunny," Irene remarked, trying to lighten the mood despite the tension.

Taking a deep breath, Irene gathered her courage. "Seul, you have to tell me our backstory. All of it. I just had a flashback, and it's messing with my mind," she confessed, her voice tinged with frustration and confusion.

Seulgi sat down, gesturing for Irene to join her, and Irene obliged, taking a seat beside her."Our story? Well, it's a long journey. But if it's you, I can talk all day," Seulgi flirted, but Irene wasn't impressed by the cheesy line.

"Let's get started, Seul," Irene said, cutting straight to the point.



*So I updated my writing styles cause yknow People Change charrrr. Alot of changes but the updates? Mmmmmmm might change my mind soon......

Stay awesome everyone

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