Chapter 12: Coward

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Seulgi reluctantly drifted off to sleep in Irene's room, despite her initial hesitance to do so. As she woke up the next morning, she was greeted by a pounding headache. Irene, still peacefully asleep, seemed unaffected by Seulgi's discomfort.

Attempting to rise from the chair, Seulgi felt a gentle tug from Irene's grasp, pulling her back towards the bed. It was a subtle reminder of the closeness they shared, even in moments of vulnerability and uncertainty. With a sigh, Seulgi settled back into her seat, content to remain by Irene's side until she woke up.

"Don't Go. I don't want to be alone again" As Irene mumbled her plea, Seulgi felt her heart ache with empathy. She leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to Irene's forehead, a silent promise to return soon. "I have to pick up your Dad before 10-HOLY SHIT, I'M LATE," Seulgi exclaimed suddenly, realization hitting her like a ton of bricks.

Rapidly gathering her belongings, Seulgi planted one more quick kiss on Irene's cheek before reluctantly bidding her goodbye. Despite the urgency of her departure, Seulgi's mind was consumed not by her own concerns but by the desire to not piss off the Bae Family. As she hurried out of the room, her only thought was to ensure that she didn't upset them further.

Seulgi breathed a sigh of relief as she finally arrived at the Bae's hotel, her heart pounding with apprehension over her slight delay. With just three minutes past the designated time, she hoped that Mr. Bae wouldn't hold it against her too severely.

Thankfully, as she approached the hotel entrance, she saw the Baes checking out, their departure perfectly timed with her arrival. Seulgi couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards the timing, sparing her from facing any potential consequences for her tardiness.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Bae. How was your sleep?" Seulgi greeted with a polite smile, hoping to set a positive tone for their interaction.

"It was fine, dear. Please take us to Irene," Mrs. Bae replied calmly.

Seulgi breathed a silent sigh of relief, grateful that they seemed to be in a good mood. With a nod, she gestured for them to follow her, feeling a sense of reassurance that the encounter would proceed smoothly.

As they entered Irene's hospital room, a heavy silence settled over the space. Mrs. Bae broke the silence with a clearing of her throat, her voice firm as she addressed Seulgi.

"You're not staying here anymore. You're going back to Daegu," she declared, leaving no room for argument.

Before Irene could respond, Mr. Bae intervened with a shushing sound, drawing everyone's attention. "Do you hear that?" he asked, his tone carrying a sense of finality.

Confusion filled the room as they listened intently, unsure of what Mr. Bae was referring to. Then, his words sank in. It wasn't a physical sound, but rather the absence of conflict, the calmness that had settled over the room.

"This is what I like to hear," Mr. Bae concluded, his expression softening slightly. "No arguments. No fights."

With his statement, the tension seemed to disappear, replaced by a quiet understanding among them all.

Seulgi's heart sank as she processed Mr. Bae's words. The brief joy of reuniting with Irene was overshadowed by the crushing reality of her imminent departure. She felt a surge of frustration and helplessness, struggling to find the right words to express the turmoil raging within her.

It felt like a cruel twist of fate, to have Irene back in her life only to have her ripped away once again. The unfairness of it all weighed heavily on Seulgi, leaving her feeling powerless and defeated.

As she stood there, grappling with the unfairness of her situation, Seulgi couldn't help but think that life could be incredibly cruel at times.

Seulgi's heart ached as she witnessed Irene's plea, her own emotions mirroring Irene's desperation. The tears welling in Irene's eyes spoke volumes, conveying the depth of her anguish and the sincerity of her plea.

"Father, please let me stay here. Mother, please," Irene begged, her voice trembling with emotion. "I don't want to go back to Daegu. It's better for me to stay here with them."

Seulgi felt a lump form in her throat as she listened to Irene's heartfelt plea. She wanted nothing more than to grant Irene's wish, to keep her by her side where she belonged. But she knew that this decision ultimately lay in the hands of Irene's parents, and their will was final.

Seulgi's heart sank as Mr. Bae's words rang out in the room, his tone filled with hurt and indignation. The accusation cut deep, a painful reminder of the rift between parent and child."Silence. So you're telling us that we are not good? Not good parents? How dare you, Joohyun?" Mr. Bae's voice thundered, his anger palpable as he confronted Irene.

A heavy silence descended upon the room as everyone absorbed the weight of Mr. Bae's words. Seulgi felt a sense of helplessness wash over her as she watched the exchange unfold, torn between her desire to support Irene and the realization that her parents' wishes ultimately held sway.

In the midst of the tension, Seulgi found herself quietly urging Irene to go with her parents, knowing that it was the path of least resistance, even if it meant temporarily parting ways once again.

Seulgi felt the sting of Irene's words like a physical blow, her heart-wrenching at the accusation. The pain in Irene's voice cut deep, exposing Seulgi's own insecurities and doubts.

"So you're just going to give up on me, Seulgi? Just like that?" Irene's voice cracked with emotion, her words echoing in the tense silence of the room. "I thought you were strong and powerful. But in reality, you're just a coward. A coward who couldn't protect me."

Seulgi's throat tightened with the weight of Irene's accusation, the words ringing painfully true. She wanted to defend herself, to explain that she was only trying to do what she thought was best for Irene. But in that moment, faced with Irene's hurt and anger, Seulgi could only hang her head in silent shame, feeling the weight of her perceived failure bearing down upon her.

Seulgi felt a profound sense of powerlessness wash over her as Irene's accusation echoed in her mind. "Coward." The word reverberated within her, piercing through her defenses and striking at the core of her being. It was a label she had always feared, a reminder of her deepest insecurities and shortcomings.

Out of all the insults Irene could have hurled at her, "coward" was the one that cut the deepest. It was a word Seulgi had always despised, a reflection of her own doubts and fears. In that moment, it felt like all her strength had been stripped away, leaving her vulnerable and exposed.

With a heavy heart, Seulgi struggled to find the words to defend herself, to prove that she was anything but a coward. But as the weight of Irene's accusation bore down upon her, she realized that sometimes, words alone were not enough to dispel the darkness of self-doubt.

As the Baes left the room, Irene and Seulgi were left alone, the tension between them palpable. Seulgi's heart ached at the sight of Irene's distress, but she knew there was little she could do to change the situation.

"I-I'll pack your bags. You're not fit to do anything heavy yet," Seulgi offered, her voice barely above a whisper as she attempted to break the silence.

Irene looked at Seulgi with a mixture of resignation and frustration before suddenly grabbing her collar. Their faces were mere inches apart, Irene's breath warm against Seulgi's ear as she spoke

"Did I put on a good show?"

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