Chapter 15: Ive waited for this moment

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"Miss me? I'm back, baby," the voice cut through the air, sending a shiver down Irene's spine. It was a voice she knew all too well, one that carried an air of authority and control. She glanced towards the door

Irene's breath caught in her throat as she whispered the name "Suho," her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart. The scent that filled the air only confirmed her suspicions, and she wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"His perfume reminds me of an elderly's ass," Irene muttered under her breath, her grip tightening on the gun as she braced herself for what was to come. With trembling hands, she aimed the gun toward the shower curtains and pulled the trigger, the sound of bullets reverberating through the room.

With a sense of fear , Irene cautiously pulled back the shower curtains, her heart pounding in her chest. But to her surprise, the shower stall was empty, the bullets embedding themselves in the tiled walls with a resounding thud.

As she turned around, her eyes widened in shock at the sight of Suho standing before her, his presence sending a shiver down her spine. Despite her bravado, Irene couldn't help but feel a surge of fear coursing through her veins as she faced off against the powerful and enigmatic figure before her.

Irene's instincts kicked into overdrive as Suho covered her mouth with a rag, his words sending a chill down her spine. With every ounce of strength she possessed, she fought against his grasp, her mind racing with thoughts of escape.

Summoning all her willpower, Irene managed to free one of her arms and swiftly reached for the knife concealed in her bandelettes. In one fluid motion, she drove the blade into Suho's leg, eliciting a cry of pain from him as he released his grip on her.

Seizing the opportunity, Irene delivered a series of powerful blows, her elbows and fists connecting with Suho's body with a force fueled by adrenaline and desperation. With each strike, she felt a surge of triumph coursing through her veins, determined to fight tooth and nail for her freedom.

"I thought I was Bisexual but since you're alive I guess i'm a Lesbian" As Irene stood over Suho, panting with exertion and adrenaline coursing through her veins, she felt a surge of defiance rising within her. With a mixture of disgust and rage, she spat on Suho's unconscious form, her contempt evident in the disdainful gesture.

With swift and decisive movements, Irene delivered a final kick to Suho's gut, ensuring he remained incapacitated. Hurriedly, she located a length of rope and bound him securely, ensuring he wouldn't pose a threat once he regained consciousness.

With Suho now restrained and powerless, Irene knew she had taken control of the situation, determined to ensure her own safety at all costs.

"Where on earth could she be?" Irene mutters to herself as she dials Seulgi's phone. With no answer from Seulgi, Irene resolves to go downstairs and investigate the situation.

"You fucking stay here before I fucking end your whole operation" she threatens Suho. She grabs her second knife and stabs him in the leg "Hope you like bathing in your blood, dick.".

Irene sprinted as fast as she could and arrived to see her parents engaged in a fight with 12 men, surprisingly unharmed. Acting quickly, Irene seized a nearby gun and took down five of the assailants with precision. As the gun ran out of bullets, she grabbed a bat from one of the fallen men. "I've missed this," Irene exclaimed, taunting the remaining attackers as she expertly swung the bat, not missing a beat in her assault.

Seeing her parents battered but alive, Irene rushes to their side and notices Mr. Bae's significant bruise. "We've been compromised, Joohyun," he tells her urgently. Without hesitation, Irene nods and dashes upstairs to her room, only to find Suho missing.

"Bastard!" Irene screams in anger as her memories of Suho come rushing back. Collapsing to the floor, she struggles to her feet. Determined, she gathers her belongings and the phone Seulgi gave her.

With determination, Irene leaps from her balcony and lands gracefully on the ground below. Racing to the harbor, she sees her parents preparing the boat. "Joohyun-ah, let's go!" Mr. Bae urges, motioning for her to grab a gun. Just as the boat begins to depart, Irene sprints and leaps aboard. Grabbing her gun, she swiftly takes aim and starts shooting at the men left on their mansion, ensuring their escape

"Damn it, could this get any worse?" Irene shouts in frustration. Meanwhile, her mother steers the boat while her father rests in the chair. "That bastard nearly killed me! Thank God I saw his bullet" Mr. Bae sighs inrelief. "Just like the good old days right Honey" Mr. Bae joked. Both of the girls rolled their eyes "I am not old. Im young by heart". Irene smiled and she rests for awhile.

"Here we are! An island unknown to anyone except the maids and guards," Irene's astonishment grew as she realized her parents owned yet another island. She was further surprised to see all the staff on the island, ready to assist them. "Mom, how did you know Suho and his gang were coming?" Irene questioned, puzzled by the situation.

"Oh, we received an alert about intruders, and considering the circumstances, we figured it must be Suho or another gang," Mrs. Bae explained calmly. "We quickly transported everyone here and provided a brief training on what to expect."

"And yoy didnt bother to tell me?" Irene argued. "I didn't want you to worry, Irene," her mom replied gently, understanding the argument. "You're still not fully back to your old self, and I didn't want to add to your stress." Her words carried a mix of concern and reassurance.

Irene's heart raced as she discovered the letter on the door of "Joohyun's Room." Entering, she found her bear along with a box of chocolates and a bouquet of tulips. Locking the door behind her, Irene hurried to find Seulgi. "I'm sorry for not answering your calls. I was busy moving my stuff. Will you forgive me?" Seulgi pleaded with puppy eyes. Irene, with a mixture of emotions, set the tulips and chocolates aside, then smiled mischievously and playfully punched the bear in the stomach. "I deserved that," the bear winced. Pulling Seulgi's collar, Irene leaned in and kissed her passionately. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment," she whispered.

Seulgi's eyes widened in surprise at Irene's sudden boldness, but she quickly melted into the kiss, returning it with equal fervor. As their lips parted, Seulgi gazed deeply into Irene's eyes, a mixture of affection and longing in her own.

The bear, still uncertain, asks, "So you're not mad at me?" Irene lets out a soft
chuckle, her eyes sparkling with affection.
"Hmm, I could've killed you right here without anyone knowing, but right now? All I want is you, and only you," she reassures, her voice filled with tenderness. They deepen their kiss, their passion igniting until they find themselves naked in bed, yearning for each other's embrace.

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