You Ready?

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"You're arresting us?" Theo went nervous, "for what?" Stilinski just exhaled, "A murder."

"We had nothing to do with any of this!" Theo kept shouting. Since they had brought us to the police station and put us in the holding cell, he practically hadn't moved from the bars. "Hello? Come on!"

"Screw it," I stopped him. I was sitting in a corner and examining the shot piece of cloth on me. "Rather ask Stilinski if I haven't left any t-shirt at their house. It's not the best feeling to sit here in this."

Theo reallly gave up. He let the bars go and headed to me. He put off his jacket and offered it to me. I smiled at him, however, I shook my head in sign for him to leave it. He put it back on and completely furious, he returned to those two: "Who did you kill? Was it you? You? Both of you? Who's the murderer?"

"Theo," I said reproachfully and stood next to him. Jiang seemed to keep a lot of anger inside. Tierney laid her hand on his shoulder to help him feel relieved. 

"All right," Theo said with a beaten voice, "I get it. The longer you stay quiet, the better. Right?"

I couldn't carry it anymore. I folded my arms, turned my back to them and went in the other side of the cell.

"But you're here for murder," Theo's confidend voice proceeded, "and they're keeping us here, too. Look... I don't give a fuck about what's gonna happen to me. But for her... She'S innocent. She has never broken the law in her life. Maybe I have killed a couple of Ghost RIders, that's true. But... you're the murderers."

"We're not murderers!" Jiang blew out. I turned ot them. While Tearney was lying and Jiang sitting by her, Theo was crouching in front of them. 

"Jiang," Tierney yelled. 

It didn't stop him: "If you'd been there you'd know we didn't have a choice."

"Jiang," Tierney sat.

"They came after us."

"Jiang, shut up!"

But it was too late.

Theo simply smiled. He stood up and went to the bars again. "We good?" he said in a camera on the wall. It had been recording us the whole time. Yeah, we were out. But it was really nasty from him, using these two like this. But on the other side... I won't lie to you. When the police cars were taking us, They split me and Theo apart and they put me up with Jiang. And we got closer during the ride. I realized it was Nolan's former classmate. It was crazy. I mean realizing I had lived with supernatural the whole time. But we couldn't say a word about supernatural with Jiang. A normal policeman war driving us.

So looking at Jiang after knowing this... I couldn't believe it. This boy... a murderer? No, that doesn't make sense.

"Mia," Theo held my hand, tearing me from deep thinking, "let's go." My eyes moved from Theo to deputy Jordan Parrish who had unlocked the cell for us. I looked at Jiang for the last time with disappointment, got off Theo's squeeze and left the cell. 

We went with Parrish. He laid a paper in front each one of us and gave us a pen saying. "Sign it and you're free to go."

I took the pen first.  I wrote HOLLOWAY next to SURNAME and next to GIVEN NAMES I simply put MIA to save Jordan some work. I offered the pen to Theo. He and Jorday finally stopped slaying each other with their sights.

"Deputy Parrish," I didn't want to call him by his name. 

"Mia," he turned to me immediately, "stop messing with me by these formalities. And I suggest you not to ask me anything, either. Because I know exactly what you'd say. I just can't understand this smart girl would keep staying by someone like... you know what I mean," he didn't finished since he knew what my face meant. 

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