like rum on a fire

913 31 46

TW: dubious consent


Ashton was awoken, when he felt something press against his mouth.

The pressure escaped through his lips, and he felt it touch his tongue.

His hazel eyes quickly shot open and were immediately met with the icy eyes of his lover.

Jim pulled away from the kiss and grinned at him.

"Good morning, baby" he almost purred.

Ashton took a moment to regain himself and smiled uneasily back at him.

"What? You're not going to return my gesture?" Jim asked bitterly with a cold voice, whilst a sudden fire in his eyes burned through the blue.

Ashton's eyes widened. "Y-yes, of course!"

He lunged forward through the duvets and initiated a kiss, that Jim hungrily returned.

Admittedly, Ashton was still tired. He didn't even know, what time it was, since he had just woken up from a deep slumber. But Jim wanted to make out. So that's what they were going do.

Ashton learned a long time ago to just follow along. But it was okay. Jim was the more dominant one in their relationship, and that was normal. That's how relationships was supposed to work. Jim was also older. It made sense, he reasoned.

After what Ashton guessed to be ten minutes of making out, they finally separated. Jim was lying on top of Ashton, but suddenly he rolled off him and out of the bed.

"I'm gonna take a piss," he said without looking back at him.

Ashton stayed in the bed and stared up at the ceiling, trying to regain his breath. He sighed to himself and considered going back to sleep. But Jim would probably be back soon, so instead he decided to make them breakfast.

He padded barefoot to the kitchen, still only wearing his plaid pajamas bottoms. He found a pan in the cupboard by the stove and fried some eggs. He then set the table, took some toast from the toaster and OJ from the fridge.

Jim still hadn't come back from the bathroom yet, so he decided to wait. His stomach grumbled in protest, but the ringtone on his phone drowned it out.

He smiled, when he saw the caller ID and immediately picked it up.

"Hey Cal," he greeted happily, forgetting about the cold eggs and toast.

"Hey Ash, glad to hear, you're awake," he replied back just as happily.

"Yeah," he said shortly. "Honestly, I don't even know, what time it is. Jim woke me up like 20 minutes ago. "

"Buddy, it's like seven am, don't worry about it, "he laughed. "Anyways, I just wanted to tell you about this party on Friday. Ashley's parents are out of town!"

"And you couldn't tell me about this at school, because...?" The annoyance was clear in his voice with a hint of amusement.

"Don't be such a party killer. I just wanted to fill you in, before everyone in the school is gonna talk about it. Anyways, are you in?"

He hesitated. "I don't-" He shut up, when Jim entered the room. He was dressed in a suit and bent down to peck his lips, before he sat down at the table in front of him and ate.

"Who are you talking to?" Jim asked lifting his brow. At the same time Calum called Ashton's name through the phone.

"Hold on, Cal," he said and removed the phone from his ear. As if Calum hadn't heard him, he kept shouting Ashton's name. As endearing as it was, it was also annoying Jim. He could see it in the way, his eyes flamed up.

"It's just Calum," he explained with a slight panic laced in his voice.

"And what does he want?" Jim asked coldly.

"He just wanted to invite me to a party this Friday with my friends from school."

"And you wanna go?" he asked, looking skeptical.

Ashton nodded. He really wanted to go, but he was afraid of getting his hopes up. If Jim sensed, he wanted it too much, he might not let him go just out of spite.

"But I wanted to hang out with you. Just the two of us," Jim said, his eyes sparkling, adoration shining through. It was looks like this, that made Ashton remember, why they were together. Not that he ever would forget, of course.

He nodded and with a clenching heart he picked up the phone again.

"Sorry, Calum. I can't go, I have plans with Jim," he said. He heard Calum protest, but he continued: "I have to go now, see you in school in like an hour."

He then hung up the phone and sat down in front of Jim, who was now checking his phone, not even sparing him a single glance.

Ashton sighed and ate the cold food in silence. 



Cherry Wine (Live) – Hozier
Ultraviolence – Lana Del Rey
Love on the brain – Rihanna
Dear John – Taylor Swift
FOOLS - Troye Sivan
Maybe, I'm Afraid – lovelytheband
Like Real People Do – Hozier
Treacherous – Taylor Swift
A Change of Heart – the 1975
Deep – Julia Michaels

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