nothing is better sometimes

446 23 56

TW: mentions of dubious consent/minor violence


Ashton sat alone on the bleachers looking out at the football field. He hadn't worn a jacket and the hoodie didn't do much to keep him warm at this point. He didn't know when he had left home and he didn't know what time it was now.

"What are you doing here?" A voice suddenly shook him out of his thoughts. "It's Sunday, you know? We don't have to be in school until tomorrow?"

Ashton smiled carefully. "I could say the same to you," he responded.

"I'm walking Petunia, "Luke answered, and Ashton's gaze shifted down to the big bulldog-terrier by Luke's feet. Petunia made her way towards Ashton and started sniffing, so he petted her in return.

Luke then sat down next to him and they both stared fondly down at Petunia in silence.

At some point Luke's gaze landed on Ashton and he frowned.

"What's that?" he said referring to a blood stain bleeding through Ashton's sleeve.

Ashton looked down and without thinking he lifted up the sleeve, revealing a big gash that apparently had opened up again.

"Jim gave it to me," he simply answered, shrugging like it wasn't important.

Luke's frown deepened. "Did you want him to give it to you?"

Ashton shook his head.

"Ash-" Luke started.

But Ashton interrupted him: "Everything is fine."

"Everything is clearly not fine," Luke argued back.

Ashton's gaze shifted away from Luke, afraid of meeting his angry eyes. "No, he's just a little... he just manhandles me a little sometimes, you know?"

"Is he hurting you?"

Ashton didn't answer.

"It's okay... you can tell me. "

"No, I can't," Ashton finally spoke up now with tears in his eyes. "If he finds out, it will only make things worse."

Luke put his arm around Ashton's shoulder to comfort him, not missing the way Ashton flinched when he touched him. "Everything you say stays between us, I swear. "

Ashton swallowed, seemingly trying to make up his mind.

"I never know when it's going to happen. Or why. Most of the time it's because I anger him. But sometimes he'll just... I'll say I'm going home or that I'm going to bed... and hell just... he'll just explode. "

Luke opened his mouth to respond, but Ashton continued: "Sometimes it happens during sex. You know, I used to just... I used to think it was just kinky stuff, you know? Like he was just playful, but... but it's not..." Ashton started crying but carried on. "It's not. "

"He likes to see me in pain. He likes to see me scared. And I am, Luke, I am. I'm really scared," he cried.

"I'm so sorry, "Luke started, concern evident in his voice. "Let me help you, okay? I know you don't want to tell anyone, but we have to go to the police. "

"No. No police," Ashton said firmly. "I can't do that. It's his words against mine. Besides, he's not like this all the time. He can be really sweet when he wants to. And he always apologizes afterwards. "

"Ashton, I'm not letting you go back to someone who's abusing you."

"He loves me, "Ashton argued. "Sure, he gets too much, and sometimes he scares me. But he can be so sweet as well. "

"Does anyone know? Your mom? Calum?"

Ashton shook his head, wiping his cheeks with his sleeve. Luke sighed in frustration.

"Have you seen him since he gave you those?" Luke asked referring to the cuts. He had tried to count them but lost tracks. There were simply too many.

"No. He apologized but I made him drive me home. He keeps texting me, asking where I am. "

"Don't answer him. "

"Well someone's gonna tell him, "Ashton bit his thumb worriedly. "Besides he's gonna find me sooner or later. I don't really have anywhere else to go. "

"How about this," Luke started, "you can stay with me. Or at Michael's or Calum's. I'm sure they wouldn't mind either. "

"No. They can't know. "

"Ash- "but Ashton firmly shook his head. Luke sighed and continued. "All right, well you can stay at my place then. Mom and dad won't mind, and we have a couple of spare rooms since my brothers moved out. "

Ashton nodded thankfully, and he left the bleachers with Luke and Petunia, feeling lighter than he had in a long time.


Songs added to the playlist:
When the party's over - Billie Eilish

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