Savage Eyes

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We all loaded into the bus and claimed our bunks. Balz tried to make me take a top bunk but I was so short I could barely reach it, so I took one in the middle instead. On our way to Texas we all caught up on sleep and relaxed. After no time at all, it seemed we were parked in Texas at the hotel we'd be at for the next couple days.
"You okay Scar?" Balz asked me as he pulled me into a hug.
"Can we still stay together? I'm not sure I can handle being by myself yet.." I sighed. I hated being this weak, but I don't want to disappoint him anymore. This summer... I'm not going to hurt myself anymore. I'm going to get better for him. For my brother.

"Of course I can." He smiled at me. "Come on. Let's get ready for bed. I'll take you out for breakfast tomorrow morning okay?" He yawned a little. Chris came out and handed us 5 room keys. We all smiled and went upstairs to our seperate rooms. 

I got into bed and snuggled up into my brothers chest and fell into a dreamless sleep. 

After a boring morning, Josh and I decided to go grab some breakfast. We were interuppted by Chris coming down and almost yelling on his phone. 

"Well no... How the hell do you expect us to find a relacement this fast? Tour starts in a few days and we already have your entire kit in our shit. *pause* Yeah she is... why? *pause* wait she does? Who taught her? *pause* You did? Yeah I'll ask. If not I'll call back and we can work figure something out." Chris hung up the phone and eyed me funny.

"Whats wrong?" I asked Chris. I had barely touched my food, so Balz had just casually started eating off my plate. 

"Why didn't you tell me you could play drums?"

"You never asked. Besides Angelo taught me before he left and Vinny picked up where Angelo left off." I looked away from him, afraid he was going to ask me what I thought he was going to ask me.

"Vinny can't make it out for Warped tour. You should play for us. If you want to... I mean.." He said casually. 

"I don't know if I'm good enough to play live Chris..."

"Vinny thinks you are." 

"Oh sis you should do it. It'd be amazing to spend the summer with you on stage with us."  Balz chimed in.

"What about Falling in Reverse and Breathe Carolina? They wanted me to do photography." I whined.

"We're all mainstage. We won't have the same set times." Chris smirked.

"Who will do your merch?" I panicked a bit. I didn't want to do this. Playing on stage will mean people will see my cuts more. I couldn't play in a hoodie and skinnies. I'd nearly die. 

"Your friend Sam." Balz said. "She was going to meet us out on tour anyways. Besides she was staying on Breathe Carolinas bus since her and David got together." He smirked at me.

"Fine. I'll do it" I sighed. There was no getting out of it. Chris left to call Vinny back and Balz went over the set list with me.

Laer that night, a knock came on the hotel room door and me and Balz looked at it. He got up to answer it, and I knew who it was. 

"Hey Ricky whats up?" He looked confused.

"Came to pick up Scar. We're heading out to get some coffee to get to know each other a bit better." He smiled. 

I got up to go save him from my brother before he committed a murder. 

"I'll be back in a bit Josh. I love you brother." I hugged him and he whispered in my ear.

"Be safe. Don't let him hurt you again."

"I won't I promise." I smiled and left. 

"You look gorgeous tonight."

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