Daddy's little monster (Happy)

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Happy's POV

I hated Tig and Juice for dragging me to this party at a bar, it was Halloween and all I wanted to do was sit at home with a horror movie on while drinking beer and eating candy. I didn't want to be here and forced to wear a costume, it honestly wasn't too much of one though. I was just wearing my normal clothes with sunglasses and I was able to carry around one of my big knives. Juice said that I was Ride dick? Or Riddick, maybe that was what he said, some space serial killer anyway.

The only good thing about tonight was Juice and Tig were paying for my booze, which I was using to my full advantage. I ordered myself two more shots and downed them quickly before scanning the room. Tig, who was dressed up as the bandit, was talking to a girl dressed up as a really slutty bee and Juice, who was dressed as some fucking geek squad thingy, actually managed to get any girl to talk to him. His girl was dressed as a slutty Pikachu, which was slightly horrifying to see.

"Who's the better killer?" I heard a girl say from beside me. I looked at you confused.

"Excuse me?" I asked. You were beautiful and surprisingly I knew exactly what you were dressed as, Harley Quinn but from the DC Bombshells comics. You had on almost a perfect copy of the outfit from that comics too.

"You're supposed to be Riddick, right?" You asked and I nodded. "I thought so! I love that trilogy."

"You're Harley from Bombshells?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. Your eyes lit up and you nodded.

"How did you know?" You asked. "Most people knew I was Harley but no one knew what comic I was from."

"I like that one." I shrugged and you smiled.

"So who do you think is the better killer? Riddick or Harley?" You smirked.

"Well, if I'm being honest, I've never seen Riddick but Harley is a badass bitch," I smirked.

"You have to watch Riddick!" You said and put your hand on my arm softly which surprised me.

"I could be convinced..." I moved closer and saw you blush softly.

"Maybe, you could watch them at my place... say tomorrow morning." It was your turn to smirk and I had to bite back a groan. I twirled one of your pigtails around my finger.

"You wanna be daddy's little monster?" I asked. You blushed a little more but you nodded slowly.

"Show me what ya got, Killer." You said and I took your hand, leading you out of the bar. You gave me your address and we hopped on my bike. I pulled into your driveway and you lead me into your house. As soon as we were inside, you pulled me into a hard kiss. My hands automatically went to your ass and squeezed you through your shorts. You pulled away just enough to lead me to your bedroom, which is where we spent the rest of the night and most of the next day at.

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