Fortune Teller (Kozik)

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Kozik's POV

"Kozzy!" You squealed as you threw yourself into my arms. I chuckled and spun you around, before leaning down to kiss you softly.

"You excited about something?" I teased, knowing exactly what you were excited about. Charming was having a Halloween festival for the weekend and since it was our favorite holiday we were both excited to go.

"The Halloween Festival, silly!" You giggled and bounced in my arms.

"You keep bouncing like that and we aren't leaving." I wiggled my eyebrows.

"We are not missing this festival, we can have sex later." You said before kissing me.

"Is that a promise?" I smirked.

"Maybe..." You smirked back.

"Mmm... Okay, gotta focus." I shook my head. "So you wanna head over together on my bike or drive separately?"

"I vote bike... I love being pressed against you." You giggled and I chuckled.

"I love you." I smiled brightly.

"I love you too. Now let's go..." You whined the last part before pulling on my hand and dragging me over to my bike. I put your helmet on before my own then helped you onto my bike. I jumped on it before we made our way to the festival, I loved having your arms wrapped around me tightly. Hearing your giggles as I swerve and speed up made me so happy that a goofy smile was stuck on my face as we parked.

"You're so cute," I told you as we got off the bike.

"Nope, you are." You smiled and kissed me before taking my hand and started to pull me towards the venues.

"What am I going to do with you?" I smirked as I trailed along behind you.

"Love me and fuck me," You winked at me.

"Oh, I can definitely do that." I chuckled and pulled you close before kissing your cheek. I nuzzled you as we walked with my arms wrapped tightly around you.

"Kozzy, we're waddling not walking." You giggled.

"And? Having you in my arms is my greatest pleasure in life." I smiled.

"You are so cheesy." You smiled and turned your head to kiss my cheek.

"Yeah, yeah. Where do you wanna go first?" I asked.

"Hmmm..." You looked around the festival. "Oh!! Fortune Teller!"

"Oooo, so spooky." I teased.

"Shut up and come on!" You smiled brightly, practically skipping over to the booth in excitement. We waited in the small line for the booth, joking and laughing while we did.

"Next!" The fortune-teller called out. We moved into the tent and sat down in the seats. "Oh, what a beautiful couple."

"Thank you!" You smiled brightly.

"Well... I can see that you both have bright personalities but you..." She pointed at me. "Have a dark past."

"What gave that away?" I smirked, my kutte would suggest that to anyone. She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Don't make fun of me boy," She warned. "I'm the real deal."

"Of course you are," I said sarcastically and nodded my head.

"Give me your hands." She ordered and I held them out. She took them in hers and closed her eyes. I looked over at you and smirked. "Hmmm... You have had a hard life."

"Almost the same thing as dark past but okay," I said sarcastically and you reached over to slap my shoulder.

"You used to be heavily into drugs." She said and we both paused.

"How..." I started but she continued.

"And that's what got you kicked out of the Army... No wait... the Marines." She said.

"What the fuck..." I said, getting angry. How the fuck could she know all that?

"Shhh... I'm seeing something..." She said and I looked over at you. You shrugged and looked back at her curiously. "I see a field..."

"Ummm... yeah okay this is over." I said, attempting to pull back my hands. She held on tighter, practically digging her nails into my hands.

"Something is happening... people are dying. Explosions are going off and yet you keep moving forward. That's a mistake my boy, if you keep going forward in this field then you will die too." She said while opening her eyes and pulling her hands back.

"What?" Your eyes widened and as you sat forward in your seat. "He'll... die!?"

"Woah, woah, woah. I'm not going to die." I told you softly, leaning over and resting my hand over yours. "She's just trying to get a rise out of us."

"No, I'm warning you. If you move forward in that field with your brothers you will die." She said in a serious tone and I gave her a harsh look.

"Fuck you, you crazy bitch." I snapped, seeing how scared you looked made me furious. "Is this how you fucking get off? Scaring people? I know this is a Halloween festival but fuck!"

"Koz..." You started softly.

"No, come on. Let's go find something that's actually fun to do." I got out of my chair quickly and left the tent. I heard your footsteps behind me before you finally caught my arm and stopped me.

"Herman, stop please." You said softly and I turned to look at you. All the anger slipped away as I saw the concerned look in your eyes.

"I'm sorry, baby girl..." I sighed and pulled you into my arms. Holding you close as I breathed in the smell of your shampoo. "I know she scared you and that pissed me off."

"Kozzy, she knew a lot of things about you. What if she's knows how you die?" You asked softly. "The thought of losing you..."

"Baby, I'm not going to tell you you won't lose me because what I do is dangerous but I'm always going to make sure you're taken care of." I promised softly.

"That's not as comforting as you think." You mumbled into my chest and I chuckled softly. "Just promise that if you are in a field that you won't go forward."

"I promise, does that make you feel better?" I asked.

"A little." You said.

"Baby girl, we can't worry about tomorrow if we want to enjoy today." I said lifting your chin so I could look you in the eyes.

"You're right," You nodded. "Let's go enjoy the rest of the festival."

I smiled and nodded as we started walking to other booths and tents. A little voice in the back of my head was nagging at me though. That lady just knew too many details for me to shake the whole thing off but I wouldn't let you know that. Keeping you happy and safe was my top priority and I'd gladly do it for the rest of my life. 

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