Treats (Happy)

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Happy's POV

"Daddy! You put them in too long!!" Kida and Marie whined. Well, mainly Kida, since Marie was only 4 and didn't really understand how burning the marshmallows, was a bad thing. Kida being 6 and headstrong like her mother, scolded me for burning them and Marie followed her example by putting her hands on her hips and giving me a very terrifying look for a 4-year-old.

"I know, princesses. I'll make up another batch." I said trying to appease them. They seemed satisfied with that answer and stopped glaring at me. I sighed in relief and started on melting more marshmallows making sure to pay extra attention to them so they wouldn't burn. I already had the other ingredients out to make the oreo rice Krispie treats.

I took the marshmallows out and had the girls help me mix everything together. We put it in the pan for it to set then we started on our second project, Pudding Monster packs.

We started off with making a big batch of vanilla pudding that I had to stop the girls from eating. We put them in five separate bowls, giving each bowl a different color before putting them in little half cups.

Next was the fun step, we all went to the table and I gave all of us sharpies. We each had an equal amount leaving some for you when you got home. We drew faces on the cups and made them into monsters.

We made all sorts of monsters and once the faces were done we put a layer of sprinkles on top just for fun. The girls and I had fun and set them in the fridge after we made their faces.

After that, I started cutting the set Rice Krispie treats into different shaped tombstones. The girls were coloring in a coloring book so I wasn't paying too close attention until I heard Marie start meowing. I turned around to find Marie coloring her nose with the sharpie, having already drawn whiskers on her face.

"Fuck! No!" I dropped the knife onto the Krispie treats and quickly came over to grab the sharpie from her than the one from Kida as I noticed she was drawing tiger stripes on her arm. I picked up mine too and put them in a drawer.

Fuck.... The girls were scary but you, you were a whole new level of scary and you were going to kill me for this. Oh god... what was I going to do?

"Okay princesses... bathroom!" I told them and ushered them in there. I set Kida on the toilet and took a washcloth out. I got it wet and put soap on it, I took Kida's arm and gently tried to get the stripes off.

After about a minute of trying, nothing happened and I stopped. I set the washcloth down with a sigh. I wasn't even going to try with Marie. I was definitely dead as soon as you got home which apparently was now since the front door was opening.

"Mommy!" Kida and Marie screamed and ran to greet you. I trailed behind slowly.

"What happened to you two?" I heard you laugh, and I smiled. Maybe you wouldn't be mad. I saw you kneeling next to the girls with a smile. "My little monsters, giving daddy a heart attack, huh?"

The girls giggled and you laughed too. Apparently, all three of you knew me way too well. You picked up Marie and put her on your hip while taking Kida's hand and lead them to our bedroom. I followed behind and watched as you set them on the bed. Going to your vanity, you grabbed makeup remover and somehow managed to gently wipe off the sharpie.

"Oil-based makeup remover." You answered the question you knew I had. You smirked at me and winked.

"I love you," I told you.

"I love you too." You smiled and blew me a kiss, the girls giggled at that.

"Momma! We made you treats!" Marie told her.

"You did?" You asked excitedly. "Well, let's go see!" You helped them off the bed after you finished wiping the sharpie off. They each took one of your hands and lead you to the kitchen, you pecked my lips quickly as you passed.

They showed you the monster pudding cups first which you adored. Then the showed you the Krispie treats that I hadn't even finished cutting. You laughed and had me and the girls sit at the table. You finished cutting the treats then grabbed the icing I already had made.

You brought them both over and separated them evenly for the girls and then took some for us. You brought our plate over and sat on my lap, kissing me softly. I smiled and pulled you into a deep kiss.

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