Annabelle (Tig)

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Tig's POV

I didn't like horror movies, I had enough horror in my real life. I really didn't need to watch any more of it for two to three hours of my life, but you loved them. So when I came home and found you watching one it wasn't a surprise. I sighed and shook my head, taking my shoes off and my kutte. Walking over behind you and leaning over the back of the couch.

"What ya watching?" I asked.

"Jesus, Tig!" You yelled and smacked my arm.

"What? Did I scare you?" I chuckled.

"Yes, you did!" You pouted.

"This is why you shouldn't watch this crap," I smirked and kissed you softly.

"I didn't think you were going to be home this early." You admitted. "You may want to go into our bedroom."

"I'm not scared by these movies just don't like them." I countered.

"No... Tig, really. You need to go into our room." You said a little more urgently while trying to push me away from the couch. I looked at you confused before looking up at the screen when suddenly a creepy ass doll popped up and I jumped backward. Which caused me to land directly into the wall behind me.

"Oh fuck...." I groaned loudly.

"Tig!" You yelled and got up from the couch. Coming around the back and kneeling in front of me. "Are you okay? I tried to warn you."

"Yeah... I'll be fine. Head hurts a little but what the fuck are you watching!?" I asked.

"Annabelle..." You said with a blush.

"And you thought I was going to be gone for a few more hours," I said with a nod then groaned as my head throbbed.

"I'll turn this off then let's get you some ibuprofen." You said and went to turn off the tv before coming back to me. Holding out your hand to help me up, I took it and with a groan got up off the floor.

"And a beer?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to mix alcohol with pills." You giggled.

"I'm sure mixing beer and ibuprofen won't be too bad." I laughed as we walked into the kitchen.

"One beer." You said firmly and grabbed out the pills and a beer. You passed me the beer and grabbed out the pills before passing them to me too. "Take your pills."

"Yes, Ma'am." I winked and took my pills before pulling you close and kissing you softly. "No more Annabelle."

"No more Annabelle when you are in town." You smirked and I chuckled. Setting the beer down and grabbing your ass with my free hands. I kissed you hard and passionately, my head suddenly wasn't the only thing throbbing.

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