chapter one~the drive

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A/N: this will probably have many mistakes. But I wrote most of this in class when I'm not paying attention(oops) so yeah I hope you enjoy :)

~Third person~

"Are we there yet?" Andi sighed.

"yes, we just passed the sign that said",'Welcome to West Detroit!'Andi's Mom Bex said with a strained amount of enthusiasm.

Andi inspected her phone notifications for the ghc group chat on Snapchat before setting it down. She looked over at her best friend Cyrus sympathetically seeming as he was fidgeting with his bracelet gifted from his best friend, Amber Kippen, who of which Andi had a secret crush on.

"You okay Cyrus?"Andi asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yeah I'm just a little bit nervous about this whole boarding school thing."

Andi placed a hand on Cyrus' while slightly leaning into him."You'll be okay, Buffy and I are right next door to you, Amber, and her mystery cousin!"

Cyrus sighed as he looked out the window,"But it's going to be weird AND sad since you get to room with Buffy and some other girl"

"But you get to room with your other bestie Amber and her mysterious cousin!"Andi says while nudging Cyrus' shoulder.

"It just won't be the same without you and Buff"

Cyrus sighed yet again as he looked at Andi's parents Bex and Bowie."Hey Bex, do you think it's weird for boys and girls to get roomed together?"

Bex laughed and looked in the mirror " I guess they just trust their students"

Everybody went back to what they were doing, Andi and Cyrus sending funny pictures to the ghc group chat, Bex and Bowie singing to the music that played off of their playlist. Cyrus went into the ghc group chat and started texting

Cyrus🏳️‍🌈:ghc assemble
Andi💗:what's up my guy
Buffy🏀:hey loserz
Cyrus🏳️‍🌈:what if Amber's cousin is like really cute
Buffy🏀:you're in for a ride but don't replace us or I will kill you
Andi💗:gay panic gay panic gay panic
Cyrus🏳️‍🌈:you know I'm a disaster gay andi >:(
Cyrus🏳️‍🌈:don't even act like you aren't either Andi😉
Buffy🏀: It's amazing to watch you guys fight over who's more gay lmaoo
Andi💗:I have a meme for this guys
Buffy🏀: did someone say meme
Cyrus🏳️‍🌈: m e m e t i m e

Cyrus🏳️‍🌈:she looks like you in fifth grade when you bleached your hair and went through your wannabe emo phase💀Buffy🏀: 👀☕️Andi💗:I thought we agreed to never speak of that againCyrus🏳️‍🌈: oops 💁🏻‍♂️Andi💗:you know what Cyrus🏳️‍🌈:what C...

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Cyrus🏳️‍🌈:she looks like you in fifth grade when you bleached your hair and went through your wannabe emo phase💀
Buffy🏀: 👀☕️
Andi💗:I thought we agreed to never speak of that again
Cyrus🏳️‍🌈: oops 💁🏻‍♂️
Andi💗:you know what
Andi💗: he deserved it 😌
Cyrus🏳️‍🌈: 😧 i am h u r t
Andi💗: teehee oops
Buffy🏀: im perplexed
Cyrus🏳️‍🌈: buff how far away are you from the school
Buffy🏀:I've been here bros
Andi💗: we'll be there in like 5 minutes
Cyrus🏳️‍🌈:see you soon slayer 💛🧛🏾‍♀️
Buffy🏀:see you soon weirdos 🤠

Andi looked up at Cyrus who was still texting somebody, probably Amber. " I HAVE TO PEE" said Andi way too loud, causing everybody to jump. "Jeez A you just about put me into cardiac arrest." Everybody laughed until Bowie said "look out your window everybody!"

"You have reached your destination, lakeside boarding school."

This is so bad I'm sorry but bare with me 🤠
um I don't really know what to say but um yeah

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