Chapter eleven~spring break

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"Also Cyrus, who the fuck is Alex?"

Cyrus' POV

"My ex, very possesive, very abusive."

TJ visually got angry," And where is this Alex now?"

"He uh lives like 2 ish hours away from here" I say while awkwardly shifting in the booth across from the boy I'm desperately in love with.

"Care to go on a road trip?"

I was about to say something before I got cut off by the waitress walking up to our table.

"What can I get yo-"

Tj and I  looked up to meet the waitress' eyes to say in unison,"Amber?"

"That's my name, don't overuse it" she said to us,rolling her eyes.

"Whatever Amber, can we just order?" I ask shaking my head slightly.

"Sure, what'll it be." Amber asked, monotoned.

"One order of baby taters and two chocolate shakes."

I turn to look back at the boy who was watching me, I can feel myself start to blush by the way he was smiling at me.

"Okay so more about this Alex douchebag." TJ said, placing his head on his hand ever so slightly.

"Okay let me try to explain one of my encounters."

"Alex I swear to god I'm just going to get food with Andi, Buffy and Jonah."

"Did you just raise your voice at me? I don't like the Jonah kid."

"I did raise my voice because you're being idiotic, and quite frankly I don't give a heck if you like him or not, he is my friend and I will continue to be his friend no matter what you say."

"I said I don't like him, you can't go."

"Oh my god Alex, are you serious!"

"I will hit you again if you keep this act up."

"Fine, hit me again. You do it so often I'm used to it."

"wait wait wait, he hit you a lot?" TJ asked, interrupting my story.

"Yeah, his dad planted the idea that hitting and being controlling was to show you cared in his head from a very young age."

"So who broke up with who, and why?"

"I broke up with him, because people started noticing the bruises I was getting. And I couldn't just tell them that my boyfriend was hitting me."

"well we've been sitting here for a hour and Amber still hasn't come back with our order, so wanna dip?" TJ asked pointing behind him at the door of the warm diner.

"Sure why not." I say grabbing my small backpack that only contains the essentials, a book, sketch pad, pencils, coloured pencils, my camera, and my chapstick.

We walk out and since we walked here we were preparing to walk the half mile back, but neither of us were complaining.

"So tell me, who's this Daisy who left the post-it, pretty romantic if I do say so myself." Tj said while looking down at the sidewalk during the last part.

"Daisy may possibly be Alex." I say hesitantly, awaiting the inevitable reaction.

"So Daisy is Alex?" The taller boy asked, looking over at me while furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I don't even know how he figured out I go here. Since my dad had the main amount of custody of me he was the one who's allowed to make my life decisions. And he sent me here because he couldn't bare having a gay son."

"Well, chippy you are perfect in my eyes and you don't have to change a damn thing for me." Tj says while moving over to walk closer to me.

We came across a really pretty area, it was secluded and peaceful. A tiny river, cherry blossom trees and rocks everywhere, ranging from tiny pebbles to rocks we could sit on.

"You know what blueberry baby?"

"What's up babes" Tj said with a slight smirk.

"You may possibly be my favourite person, like you're absolutely perfect and I don't know what I'd do without you."

"That was bold! And you're my person and I don't plan on losing you anytime soon." Tj said leaning up against the cherry blossom tree while I stood next to him and carefully placed my head on his shoulder.

I don't know what's coming over me today but I just want him to be mine and vice versa.

I slightly bumped our hands together, hoping he'd get the idea that I really wanted to hold his hand. He didn't notice so I decided to get ballsy and just go for it.

'You can do this Cyrus, just grab his hand and everything will be okay.'

I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers, he didn't even seem bothered by it. He even gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I wish we could be a thing" I hear the deep raspy voice say next to me.

"Wait, really?" I say, my head peeking up from his shoulder but still holding his soft hand.

"Oh my god did I say that out loud?"

"Yes you did, but to be completely honest, I do too." I say leaning back up against the tree.

That seemed to surprise him seeming as he jumped up from the tree and stood in front of me.

"So why don't we do just that?"

That comment by Tj took me by surprise but I wasn't about to just decline the offer.

At this point I couldn't control myself and I found myself leaning forward.

I planted my lips softly on his, I definitely am not ready to make out so I just planted a quick, soft kiss on his soft, cherry tasting lips.

"h-hey chippy, can we d-do that again?"

A/n: I finally came up with a chapter of this that I liked. I've written it out and scrapped it so many times but I think I like this one =)

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