chapter four~the playground

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"You said the same thing to me last summer"

You could say my my heart stopped right there. I turned around to look at who was in the doorway,"Iris,what are you doing here?"

"I go to school here dipshit, if you cared about me over the summer you would've paid attention to the things I told you." Iris said, her voice cold.

"I- I'm sorry I just felt like we didn't click and you were so sensitive I didn't want to hurt you." I said my voice cracking every few words.

Suddenly a harsh voice popped in who of which I loved to hear, but not like this,"and you think I'm not, are you kidding me, Amber?"

I felt tears pricking up in my eyes so I ran out the door, pushing the two girls yelling at me out of the way.

I heard a voice behind me,"Ambs what's wrong? Are you okay? What can I do?"

I turn around to see a concerned look on Cyrus' face, words start coming out of my mouth and I can't stop them.

"I'm sick of you asking me if I'm okay, I'm sick of you checking up on me, I'm sick of you trying to fix me, I'm just sick of you!"

I watched as Cyrus' face changed from concerned to hurt, I saw the tears prick up in his eyes,"you really think I'm that bad? I'm just trying to help."

"Well I don't want your help, you're useless, dead to me."

I can see the tears streaming down his face now," do you really mean all that?

'no, I need you'

"Of course I mean it, now get out of my way" I say pushing him down to the ground, not playfully this time.


"Of course I mean it"

I feel my knee and hand start to bleed from the me trying to catch my fall.

I can't see straight because of the large amount of tears in my eyes, I start running out the doors of the campus dorms and I keep running, I don't know where I'm going but I'm going until I get somewhere less busy.

I find myself at a playground, it seems secluded so at this point I just let out all of my sobs without wondering if anyone is around.

I hear an oddly familiar voice from behind me but I don't bother looking up for the fear I'll embarrass myself.

"Hey, um, are you okay? I hear the person say jogging up to me.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask with my voice sounding more harsh then I had planned.

"I was at the basketball courts over there and I heard you crying so I thought I'd check it out."

At this point I look up to see who the person was, and to wipe my drenched face.

Oh my god it's TJ Kippen.

"Oh, uh thanks?" I say finally being able to calm down. Somehow this boy makes life so much easier when he's around.

"Anytime, muffin" says TJ, his voice soft.


"Yeah, that's pretty much all I see you eat in breakfast"

"So you've been stalking me?" I say

Apparently I caught him off guard because the TJ Kippen stuttered," w-what no I just see you sOmetimes"

"Whatever you say, Kippen"

"But all jokes aside, what's wrong?" TJ asks sincerely.

"It's a long, confusing story" I say while walking over to the swings to sit down, just like old days.

"I can skip the rest of my classes."

"Okay well, Amber was going to confess her feelings for someone but she gave me a ring that she said was identical to somebody else's that she knew would be a perfect match for me. So I had to wait in the hall..."

TJ zoned out when he saw the ring placed carefully over the smaller boys t-shirt.

"I, uh, I have to go now, see you later I guess." TJ said frantically and a little more harsh then he meant to sound as he rushed off.

'Classic Cyrus, Anything good you have to ruin it.' <haha parallels>

A/n: I did this in Spanish instead of my work so it's probably really bad

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