Chapter five~breaking

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3rd person pov
🆘trigger warning🆘

'Classic Cyrus,anything good you've gotta ruin it'

It has been two weeks and the groups of people talking have  definitely changed.

The ghc, obviously, the Kippen cousins, and Jonah and Marty were coming to school today.

Cyrus walked in the eating area of campus and observed for his friends to see them and what seemed to be Marty and Jonah.

He sat down at the table heavily sitting down due to the lack of sleep he'd gotten in the past two weeks,"Jonah babonah, Marty party " he had those nicknames since middle school.

"Cy-guy" both the boys said straining out the 'y', Jonah and Marty stood up, Jonah going in for a bro hug, Marty giving him a full on hug.

"What were you talking about?" Cyrus asks, taking a bite out of the muffin Marty have him.

"Oh I was just catching them up on the drama from two weeks ago." Andi says rolling her eyes.

"I still don't understand why TJ left halfway through my rant." Cyrus said, giving the group a sigh.

"Who knows, but you deserve better Cyrus."Buffy said while looking at the kid in all of Cyrus' advanced classes.

"Him? What even is his name?" Cyrus asked over exaggerating the situation, after all the blonde kid,about 5'7 was pretty cute.

"His name is Reed, he's nicer than TJ."Buffy said narrowing her eyes at the name.

"Whatever weirdo," Cyrus said laughing slightly.

He got up and went to the private lounge in the farthest part of campus.

He sat down and noticed someone going live on Instagram.

He opened up the app, clicking on the persons account to join the live.

He saw who it was and his heart nearly stopped from the sight he was seeing.

He saw who it was and his heart nearly stopped from the sight he was seeing

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TJ Kippen in the same outfit the day he first saw him.

Cyrus sat there watching the live, not thinking about anything other then the boy.

Suddenly Cyrus slid out of his chair slowly due to it being tipped.

"Woah Cyrus are you okay?" Said Marty running over to the boy, helping him up.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Are you okay, you seemed kinda upset." Marty said sitting across from the smaller boy.

"Not really, TJ is sending major mixed signals, and it's messing with my head."

"You like him don't you?"

As Cyrus was about to answer, the bell rang, queuing everyone to go to the welcoming assembly.

Cyrus started to the auditorium but some popular guy pushed Cyrus into the locker" outta the way stubby."

Cyrus didn't get a good view of who it was but it looked like Lester McCormick.

In fact, Cyrus, being 5'1 had gained weight over the two weeks.

He started tearing up and his feet carried him into a bathroom stall, first having a panic attack, without checking if anyone was in the room.

'It's going to be over soon, you're okay, it'll be over soon,you're okay'

He found himself on the ground on his knees in front of the toilet.

Next thing he knew, he was throwing up all the food in his system.

He couldn't believe what he had just done, it was like he lost control, but he felt a strange sense of comfort from it.

He heard a knock at the door of the stall.

"Hello? Who's in there?"

Cyrus slowly stood up and opened the door to the stall. His eyes widened at who was standing in front of him.


The taller boy didn't even say anything he just pulled Cyrus into a hug. Cyrus thought he smelled like faint skunk spray. (Most definitely not skunk spray)

"What room number are you, C?"

"419, why?"

"Oh dope! I'm right next to you, room 420!" Reed said, you could hear the sound of him planning something in his tone.

"We should go to the assembly."Cyrus said skeptically.

"Sure thing C."

The taller boy wrapped his arm around Cyrus as they walked.

They walked into the auditorium just like that, making more noise then they wanted causing both boys to cringe as the doors closed behind them, everyone turning in their seats to look at them.

"Are you kidding me." TJ said under his voice narrowing eyes at the tall blonde boy with his arm around Cyrus.

Cyrus and Reed sat down in the back. Trying not to make more noise.

"You've got a little something right here." Reed said swiping leftover muffin from before. Sweeping his thumb over Cyrus' lip.

"This is dumb, I'm out of here" TJ said looking away from Cyrus and Reed and walking out the doors.

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