Meeting Friends

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Ah, such unpleasant noises.

But I wasn't bothered at all. I turned my alarm clock off and sat up my bed with a wide smile on my face.

I didn't forget.

I could never forget.


I ran downstairs and got ready, but it seemed like I was too excited.


Everything was ready. I ate breakfast, I'm wearing my uniform, and I even styled my hair! But...

Class starts in an hour and thirty minutes.


Oh well.

I shrug it off.

The early bird gets the worm, after all!

I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door.

I lock the door behind me.

Though, what IS the worm?


I arrived at the train station. I check my phone.

1 hour left.

The train's doors slide open and I enter.

My eyes search the train for anyone with the same uniform as me.

There weren't many, but there were still some of 'em.

Fortunately, the train wasn't crowded, so it wasn't hard to find a vacant seat.

I settled down and put on my headphones. I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"Hm?" I face the direction the tap came from.


"Well, hello Blondie." I greet.

"You shouldn't call anyone names until you know their actual name, you know." He smirks.

"I know~"

Those words were followed by a few seconds of silence.

"L/n Y/n." I face him.

"Monoma Neito."

"Nice to meet you, Blondie."

"Fair enough."

We reached our stop. We exit the train and make our way to U.A.

I check my phone.

45 minutes.

"So, what class are you in?"

"1-B, you?"

"Aww darn," I say sarcastically. "1-A."

He smirks.

"How rude, L/n."

I chuckle.

We then talked about our personal interests as we made our way to U.A.

"Well then, I'll see you later, Blondie."

"Same to you, Dumbass."

"Finally thought of a nickname, hm?"

He nods at me as we parted ways.

I open the door to my class.


I completely forgot about this because of talking to him.

Some people looked at me, and some minded their own business.

I enter the classroom with thoughts circling around my head.

Should I talk to someone or should I wait for someone to talk to me?
Who would talk to me?
Who would WANT to talk to me?
I totally forgot to worry about th-

My thinking was interrupted by being pushed aside by a blonde guy with spiky hair.

"My ba-"

"Watch it, asshole."

He walks away.

Ah, I see.
He's one of those people.

I smirk.

"My, is that how a hero is supposed to act?" I say.

He faces me again.

"What did you say, you damn bitch?"

I could see his eye twitching in anger.

"Wow~ Foul mouthed and deaf? I'm really confused how you even got to U.A. at this point" I added.

"SAY THAT AGAIN YOU FU--" He was cut off by the green-haired boy who destroyed the giant robot from what I recall.

"K-Kacchan!" He yelled.

I thought about the name he called him.

Do they know each other?

I look back at him. I saw the fear scattered all over his eyes, but he stood his ground.

"Tch. Coward." He actually managed to keep his anger to himself. I'm impressed.

Then it struck me.

The whole class had their attention on me.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Someone break the silence. Please.

"Sorry about him.." The green-haired boy scratches the back of his head.

"He can be a little.."


"I get it. Don't worry."
I smile at him.

"I-I'm Izuku Midoriya by the way.. but... uhm.. you can call me I-Izuku..."

Never expected the one who destroyed that colossal robot alone would act this way.
It's cute anyway.

"I'm L/n Y/n, feel free to call me Y/n, though."

"N-Nice to meet you." He gives me an innocent smile.


I found myself an empty seat and finally sat down.

Everyone continued to make new friends as I just sat in silence, trying to think of a way to socialize without having to make someone really mad at me.

I don't know why, I just keep doing it.

Someone pokes me from behind.

"Hello! I'm Mina Ashido! Nice to meet you..."

"L/n Y/n."

"L/n it is!"

"Please, call me Y/n." I beam at her.

"And call me Mina!" She grins.

Moments after earning myself a new friend, a yellow sleeping bag rolls through the classroom door.

Everyone's gaze averts to the said sleeping bag.

"I am your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota."

"Now go and change into your P.E. uniforms. We'll be having a Quirk Assessment Test."

"What about orientation?"

"A test on the first day of school?"

"As expected from U.A. High."

The class sounded like a bee hive.

I had no problem with it, though. It's just a little test. What's the worst that could happen?

I jinxed myself, didn't I?



Apologies ~ Monoma Neito x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now