Sports Festival II

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"START!!!" Present Mic yelled.

Apparently Shinso brainwashed the others in the team, but I guess I couldn't do anything about it?

I'm one of the targets, so I have to be cautious now, do I?

"We're sliding, guys. Hold on!" I warned before making another ice road.

I have to be wise when it comes to using the Moon Beams. I might not have much of them left.

We drifted around the stadium, grabbing a few headbands while we were at it.

Oho, what to we have here?
Neito's challenging our own and only,
Bakugo Katsuki?

This'll be fun.

"Shinso, get more headbands, I'm gonna get a good view of this first."

"Wh- Hold on this wasn't part of the plan."

"Wait.. We're gonna drift again. I'm gonna steal those headbands." I said while pointing at Neito who seemed to have successfully stolen Bakugo's points.

I made another ice road and as we went for another drift, I realized that Bakugo was gonna go for his headband again.

"H-Hold on!!"

I made it away from the two, with all of Blondie's headbands in hand.

We're in third!

"Looking for this, fools?" I said while playing with the headbands.

I began laughing as we distanced ourself from them.

"So, Shinso. Do you want first place or you just wanna get to the last event?"

"I want to get to first as much as possible, but with those two fighting over there, it looks bleak. Let's atleast maintain our 3rd place spot till the end of this battle."


"Explosion ass and Blonde guy are catching up to us. Orders?"

"I like how you speak," I giggled. "Let's take the air for now. Take the others away from my hands."

He nodded as he ordered the others to move away from my hands while I began to shoot a hot beam from my hands, sending us afloat.

The two teams looked dumbfounded.

The problem is that once I got down, Bakugo was able to steal his headband back, taking him to fourth place.

I also.. lost a few more headbands after that.

But we were still back in 3rd thanks to Shinso!

"Erm.. uhh.. Sorry for getting around 4 headbands lost.. I guess?"

"It's okay. You were able to maintain 3rd place in the end, anyway."

"No, you maintained 3rd place! If it weren't for your awesome quirk, we would've made it here!"

His eyes widened at my words. He began to blush slightly before looking away from me.

"Ah. Did I say something..?"

"No. I'm just flattered.."


"I mean-"

Shinso was interrupted by Present Mic announcing that it was noonday break and that the eliminated participants of the Cavalry Battle can join this thing called recreational activities.

I part ways with Shinso before I began looking for Neito.

When I saw him somewhere on the seats, he immediately saw me and began to pretend he didn't.

"So, hey Blondie. Things don't seem good for your class~~ Oh but I'm a good person anyway. You can still backout without any consequence whatsoever, and-"

He begins to laugh maniacally.

"My, Y/n. I knew you were just like the rest of the 1As, but I didn't think you'd even have the slightest thought to say something like that! The bet isn't over, just so you know. We still have tricks up our sleeve, nevertheless. You're allowed to continue talking big. Just you wait." He continues to laugh.

This guy's an idiot.

"I commend you, though. Using that moment between your arrogant classmate and I to take my headbands, that was quite impressive."



"Y/n, are you hungry?" We were both interrupted by Shinso tapping my shoulder.

"Ah, yes, I am!"

"Is this a friend of yours?"

"Err.." Neito and I exchanged looks for a moment before I gazed back at Shinso and nodded.

"Yes, we're mortal enem- I mean friends!"

"Would you like to join us....?"

"Monoma Neito."


"Thanks, but no thanks, Shinso."

"Seems you already knew my name from the announcements."

Neito nods before we turned away and went for some food.


"The last event! The One on One Fighting Tournament!!"

"This'll be fun." I crossed my arms.

Unfortunately, due to Ojiro and that other 1B being hypnotized, they had no choice but to refuse to join the tournament. They say it was because being included in the tournament was an honor and all, but everyone was putting effort through all the hardships they came across though he was unable to because of Shinso's quirk.

I understand their cause, though. I had no say in it because I let Shinso brainwash the two.

I felt kind of guilty and selfish. It was uncomfortable.

Now there were two empty slots, and the team they decided to choose from was the fifth team, which was a 1B team. Their leader humbly chooses two of her members to join the tournament, and they thank her whole-heartedly.

Oh dear. Is he psychic or something?

I look over to Neito, who was smirking like the psycho he is.

The first round was decided, and the ones battling will be Izuku and Shinso.

"Oh no."
I don't know who to root for.

I only met Shinso today and he's really nice although he doesn't give off that aura;

But on the other hand Izuku has been one of my first friends here in U.A. and I-


"Y/n, you okay?" Mina taps my shoulder.

"I think...?"

"Are you asking me?"

"I don't know are you?"

"Y/n stop--"

"Oh look, the battle's starting!" I shut her off and she had a bit off annoyance in her face, but she brushed it off and gained anticipation for the first match.

I'm rooting for both of them, and I really don't want one to feel bad in the end, considering they're both really nice people.

They deserve the best.

Go, you two!!

I'm TIred

I've been writing since morning and now it's sunset.

Someone help me I'm about to die from who knows what.


Apologies ~ Monoma Neito x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now