The Dream

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Aurey POV

I woke with a start. It was still nighttime, and I began to break down again.

"Aurey! What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. "

"It's obviously something, you're crying."

"It was just a dream."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"You sound like a counselor, but sure."

I took a deep breath to steady my nerves.

"It was like when I got shot by the modesteps. Except this time, Tom came up behind you and stabbed you in the back. It was so lifelike, I thought you really did die!"

He didn't say anything, but took me in his arms and held me, "Everything is going to be alright. Trust me, "he whispered.

I nodded silently, the dream playing over and over in my head. I finally fell asleep listening to the steady rhythm of his heart, and to the soft rise and fall of his chest.

A New Life: An Aureylian and CaptainSparklez / Mianite /  AureySparklez FanficWhere stories live. Discover now