Will He (NSFW)

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The heavy raindrops fell on me. Dumb me knew it was going to rain today, but dumb me also forgot my umbrella. I made my way down the sidewalk at a fast pace. I had fifteen minutes until my next class, and once again, dumb me, decided to schedule classes far apart so close together. I take a deep breath preparing me for my Theater History class. A necessary credit.

I never minded it. I mean. Stanislavsky is pretty cool, I guess. I loved the puzzled look on people's faces when I explain The Seagull's love triangles.

A heavy patter began to ring in my ears, but the rain seemingly stopped overhead. I looked up and a dark umbrella was covering me. To my side was Joji, out of breath and smiling like an idiot.

"What's with that smile," I asked, feeling a soft smile come to me. His smile was always contagious.

Joji shrugs, then rubs his shoulder against mine. The electricity of his touch had faded.

"I wanted to walk you to class, but my class is all the way over..." his voice trailed as he had a small frown on his face.

I put my hand on the umbrella handle over his, "it's okay, baby. I don't mind."

I examine his face while he's looking around. His dark eyes were always filled with wonder. He always soaked up whatever knowledge was presented to him. His dark hair poked from the sides of his cap. He shaved.

"Are you cold," Joji looked at me, concerned.

"Nah, I'm okay," I mumble and look down at my feet.

Joji slips his hand off the umbrella and pulls his jacket off, "here. Put this on."

I bite my lower lip, "no. I'm okay, Joji."

"Baby, I'm going home. Plus your theater class is always cold," he holds his jacket out. I roll my eyes and slide my arms into it. It's warm and smells like him.

We reach the overhang of the building. Joji sets the umbrella on the ground and gives me a full hug. I smile and pull away before he can kiss me. I head to class

~an hour later~

I step out from my class. 2:45. It's cold. I'm happy I took Joji's jacket.

I look out onto the open sidewalk. There stands Joji with a small smile on his face. I jog to the umbrella. I practically run into him and grab his waist to stable myself.

"Woah, there," he chuckles.

"Sorry," I laugh. We walk home in silence.

I close the door behind me, trying to be quiet. Rent is expensive, but necessary for our family.

My mom is sleeping on the couch with quietly dancing puppets playing on the tv, but Asia is stumbling to the ground, "MOMMY! MOMMY!"

I reach down and scoop her up into a big hug. My baby girl is so grown up. She's six now, and I'm a senior in college. I pick her up and talk as sweetly as I can, despite my exhaustion, "mommy missed you so much!"

She stares at me with her big brown eyes. I kiss her forehead.

"Daddy was so happy to see you today! I wanted to come with him to walk you home, but he said my legs will get tired. Because I have little legs," she pushes long dark hair out of her face.

I chuckle, "what a daddy thing to say."

She laughs.

"Time for a nap, Asia," Joji pulls her blanket off the couch, careful to not annoy my mom.

Asia's face loses its joy. She looks at me with her puppy dog eyes.

"No, don't give me that look," I scrunch my nose. I carry her down the hallway with her head on my shoulder.

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