Chapter Six

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Peter's tossed back into the cell the same way he had been the first time he'd been taken away from them. He's less rag-doll but it's still painfully obvious how weak he is.

There's a bloodstained bandage wrapped tightly around his thigh, now only in a pair of boxers and a loose grey shirt to match the ones Morgan and Harley already have. His hair is plastered to his sweaty forehead, greasy and messy. His knuckles are bloody, he obviously struggled at some point but Luc and Elodie are totally clean of any wounds. He didn't fight them, that's for sure.

Harley's quick to pull Peter back to their little corner, away from the French's stares.

"Are you okay? How hurt are you?" Harley demands, but there's painfully obvious guilt shimmering behind his dark eyes.

Peter nods slowly. "'M okay...'M hungry...and tired."

"Okay. Okay, yeah, get some rest. We'll talk when you're feeling a little better," he says, catching Peter's fumbling grip.

Elodie nods to Luc with a pointed stare and then they both leave the room, the clicking locks loud in the small room.

Morgan crawls over and presses her fingers gently against Peter's neck.

"You're hearts a little fast and your breathing's a little off, Petey. What's wrong?" she asks, ducking her head to meet her brother's eyes.

With his free hand, Peter touches the blood-soaked bandage his thigh. It's probably doing more bad than good at this point, but they need to leave it on or else it might get infected. He winces at the touch, fingers moving up to touch his chest, unable to even verbally explain what happened.

He couldn't do that to them. He can't tell them what he just put himself through for them. He couldn't.

Peter tilts his head down so his mouth isn't visible to the security camera and his voice comes out so quiet, they both have to lean in to hear it.

"I have plan," he says. "Ask them for Morgan to be your assistant to make the spider serum. Tell them you need specific chemicals. It's going to sound shitty, but it's the best plan we've got..."


Harley's glaring at Peter when Luc and Elodie walk in again.

Morgan and Harley argued as much as they possibly could against Peter's plan, but it's all they've got. It's the only plan they can come up with that gives them their best chances of survival. They can't have a failed attempt. They've only got one shot at it.

"I need Morgan," Harley says, bringing himself to his feet. The last thing he wants to do is leave Peter alone here.

"Excuse-moi?" Elodie says, scrunching up her nose in confusion.

"I need an assistant to make the spider serum. Morgan's better at chemistry than I am. I need her up there with me," he demands. He remembers the videos he saw of his dad in Afghanistan when he got taken. He remembers seeing Tony's strong façade, demanding things and not taking no for an answer. He remembers his dad planning and being extra careful and escaping.

He also remembers his dad's nightmares and fears and issues after that, but he pushes that aside.

"You need an assistant?" Elodie repeats, rolling her eyes. "How do I know you're not going to use this against us?"

Harley grits his teeth, glancing back down at his brother. Peter's still sitting on the floor, pale face sweaty but offers a reassuring smile.

"You have Peter," Harley says, keeping his face impassive, eyes cold and tone harsh. "You have him here with you. If we do anything you don't like, you have him to keep us in line. I need Morgan upstairs with me."

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