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Peter stands in front of the full-length mirror, smoothing down the front of his jacket and admiring the fit of the suit on his now healthy body. It took a long time for him to regain the wait he'd lost, but he looks so much better now.

The tie hangs loosely around his neck, he never learned how to tie it, but as soon as Harley tells him to hurry up again, it'll be fixed for him.

"You did it, Parker," he tells the man in the mirror. No longer a scared little boy. A strong, intelligent, confident man who's overcome everything thrown at him.

"Yeah, you did it." Peter expects sarcasm in Harley's voice, but all he finds is pride. "Do you need help with your tie?"

Peter flushes, knowing as a Stark who's expected to take over Stark Industries in the future, he should know how to tie a tie. But he doesn't really mind the help as Harley does it up for him.

"Still can't believe it," Peter says, staring at the wide, sparkling brown eyes in the mirror that stare back at him.

"Can't believe what?" Harley stands a good five inches taller than Peter, something the younger teenager will never get over, and it's noticeable when they stand side by side in their suits.

"Any of it." The superhero links arms with his brother. "That I got this amazing family after everything I lost. That I ended up with a best friend and a brother. That I've been able to keep getting through all these obstacles."

"Don't forget your best little sister," Morgan chirps from the door. Her lips are pursed, and arms crossed over her chest, eyebrows lifted in annoyance. "Dad says he'll leave without you if you don't hurry up."

"He can't leave without us for our graduation," Harley retorts, rolling his eyes.

"Of course, my bestest sister in the whole wide world. I would never forget you," Peter says, waving her over to pull her into his other side. "I just... I love you guys."

"Love you too," they echo.

"But seriously, we'll be late if you don't head out," Harley says, finally dragging them out of Peter's room and downstairs.

Tony nearly cries when he sees his three babies all dressed up for the older two's graduation. Steve just smiles brighter than ever and pulls them into a big group hug.


Standing beside Harley, MJ, and Ned, his best friends, he lifts his cap and tosses it skyward, watching all the dark blues join his in the air.


"Despite missing an entire semester for reasons I'd prefer not to disclose, I get to be valedictorian. I've always been a nerd. Always been a lover of school and science and learning. Always been someone to believe high school are the important years in your life to discover who you are and where you'll be going. It's the time to make memories and do stupid things and experiment before you're pushed into the real world.

I nearly had all of that taken away from me.

Because of what happened to me, I didn't believe I'd ever get to finish high school or live out the rest of my life. But here I am, graduating with the greatest friends I've ever made and ever wish to make. Nothing will compare to the years spent at Midtown.

I mean, sure, I got shoved into lockers and tossed into dumpsters. I got picked on, got my lunch money stole more often than I can count. I learned how to hide black eyes and tearstains from stupid things people said to me.

Sure, I lost my aunt and uncle.

But all those things just made me stronger. Made me the person I am today. Gave me the family and friends I have now. And I wouldn't trade that for the world.

Hold Onto Me 'Cause I'm a Little UnsteadyWhere stories live. Discover now