Chapter Seven

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The nice woman came in and offered them both food and drinks, but they were both feeling too nauseous with nerves to even think about accepting.

They just want their dads to get there and figure the rest out for them. They can't stand the waiting. They've done enough waiting in that cell to last a lifetime.

There's no calls to the phone and none of the workers come into the room. It's only when they hear Iron Man's repulsors getting near do they move from their position on the floor.

Harley's vaguely aware that his feet hurt and his lower back aches from the awkward positioning, but he can't really tell. He can't quite hang onto the thought for very long.

Morgan's hand is tight in his, holding on like it's the only thing that matters as she pulls him to his feet and out of the cozy room.

The eyes are immediately on them again when they emerge with bloodshot eyes, but it's easy to ignore when they see Tony stepping out from the Iron Man suit, Steve dropping down from the jet above.

Harley's feet move on their own accord, almost stumbling over himself as he hurries toward his dad.

The billionaire is there before Harley can even make it out of the building, bundling Harley up in his arms tightly.

"I've got you. I've got you. It's okay, kiddie. I'm here," Tony reassures. His hands are in Harley's hair, soothing and steady. It's enough of a jolt that Harley snaps back to himself, façade crumbling before his very eyes.

"Dad- Dad, please. Please- I- I just- I need-" Maybe it's a Stark thing to stutter. Tony, Harley, and Peter all do it.

His tears are soaking Tony's Spider-Man T-shirt, one that Harley got him for Christmas last year. It was meant as a joke, but Tony genuinely loved the gift.

"I've got you, kiddie. I've got you. You're okay." Tony's pressing kisses against his son's temple, running his fingers through the tangled mess of curls. He normally gels it back, but it's loose and wild the way Tony prefers it.

Beside them, Morgan has her legs wrapped around Steve's middle, arms tight around his neck as she cries, like she used to do when she was really little. That's her preferred way of hugging Steve. She's always been short so it was never easy for Steve to hug her regularly.

Tony seems to get the realization at the same time that Steve does.

"Where's Peter?" Tony asks, pulling away from Harley enough to look him in the eyes.

Harley's broken sob is enough of an answer for Tony who pulls the kid back against his chest tightly.

"Is he- Fuck, is he dead?" Tony asks, voice trembling with his fear. "He's not- He can't be-"

"We don't know," Morgan says. She pulls herself together, sniffling to try to breathe normally as she turns to look at Tony. Harley's been keeping it together the whole time, it's her turn to be brave. "We needed to escape. He had a plan... We think he tried to fight them. We tried to tell him that- that he didn't have to be the distraction but he said it would give us a better chance... You know how Peter is."

"Where were you? Give me an address. I'll go find him," Tony says, expression hardening.

Morgan gives it to him without question, worry shining in her bloodshot green eyes.

Tony passes Harley over to Steve before the Iron Man suit is closing over him again and he shoots off to save his third child.

Steve keeps up the constant stream of reassurances for the two falling apart kids. He ignores the eyes on them, ignores the weird stares and pity seeping from the strangers like they have any idea what's going on.

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