Part 5

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(Y/N) PoV

So after all of that commotion with the swimming club, they were placed under heavy surveillance for practically luring victims into their trap. Seriously, how did no one catch on to this type of case?! Whatever, what's done is done and the three of us ended up getting into a club! At this point, getting clawed in the face by Ms. Nekonome doesn't sound as bad considering that I was crushed to death and had my own life force taken from me. Still, at least I'll be in a club with friends so it won't be as bad as I thought...

Also, I've recently discovered that there phones that can make calls into the human world so I immediately called my parents to let them know I'm doing fine as well as to send me a few things so I wouldn't be as bored on my free time.

Your Room

(Y/N): *sigh of relief* Finally! Never thought I'd get to finish that essay!

You leaned back on your chair as you finished placing your work in your binder. After some time, you eventually sat upright and grabbed a glsss of your favorite drink from the desk.

(Y/N): At least we finally get a day off tomorrow! This week was quite the hassle after everything that's happened.

Once you finished the drink, you placed the empty glass on the table and moved to the nearby window. It was currently a rainy day, which was odd because you could have sworn that the weather was always the same in this dimension.


???: So you've been following him.

The girl with purple hair turned around to find another girl with white and black hair.

Purple Haired Girl: What's it to you?

Mysterious Girl: I only want to know you're reasoning. If you wanted to kill him, you would have simply let him be devoured by those mermaids. After all, he's a family member.

Purple Haired Girl: ... Fine... I'm just... Curious about him. I found him dead on the second day yet... The next day, he was fine as if nothing ever happened.

Mysterious Girl: I see...

The purple haired girl grew a little annoyed as the other girl simply continued to think.

Purple Haired Girl: ... Please don't tell him...

Mysterious Girl: As long as you don't intend to harm him... Thank you for saving him. I only hope that you do not misunderstand what happens next. Goodbye.

The white and black haired girl simply walked away as the other girl only watched. The purple haired girl sighed before returning to her room in thr female dorms.

The Next Day

Knock! Knock! Knock!

You slowly awakened from your slumber to the sounds of knocking on the door to your room. Shaking your head, you rose from the bed and made your to the door. You were met with the only human in your entire school, Tsukune Aono.

Tsukune: Morning, (Y/N). I can already tell you're enjoying your day off!

(Y/N): *yawn* A little yeah... What's up?

Tsukune: I was wondering if you'd like to hang out today!

(Y/N): *yawns* This is a first.

Tsukune: *nervous chuckle* Well it's rare we get to hang out!

(Y/N): *yawn* Just give me a few minutes to change.

Small Timeskip, Near the Track Field

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