Part 7

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(Y/N): So how'd it go?

Tsukune: ... She didn't want to talk to me... Especially after that whole scene.

You sighed since Moka was probably your best bet in proving Tsukune's innocence. The two of you are currently waiting on the school rooftops in order to confront the president of the Newspaper Club.

(Y/N): You sure you wanna stay here? It could get rough.

Tsukune: Of course, I'm the one who's being framed. It'd be more relieving to see it myself...

You lightly smiled since you weren't exactly willing to await the president alone. Out of everyone you have met, you couldn't help but feel a strong bond of friendship between the both of you.

???: Didn't think you had it in you to show up.

You looked over your shoulder to find none other than Ginei approaching the both of you. Of course, he was quite annoyed as he kept his glare on you.

(Y/N): The hell did I ever do to you the first place? And why are you framing Tsukune?

Gin: Nothing, just making sure you too punks stay away from Moka. After all, I plan to make her my woman!

(Y/N): Really? The hell is everyone's obsession with that girl?

Gin: So...

The club president slammed his fist into his palm as he drew closer to the both of you.

Gin: I'll gladly walk away now so long as I'm sure that you're not going anywhere near Moka.

(Y/N): hmmm... Let me think about that... Nope!

You attempted to throw a punch at the taller male but he easily blocked it without even flinching. This made you quite afraid since you assumed that the upperclassman was only a big talker.

Gin: Come on, man. You gotta do better than that.

Next thing you know, you felt a numerous amount of punches connect your face before you were sent back from his knee attack.

Moka: (Y/N)! Tsukune!

The brown haired teen was surprised when Moka suddenly entered the scene with Kurumu and Lucius.

Tsukune: M-moka!

Moka: I'm so sorry Tsukune! I know I should have believed you in the first place but I was too upset to see the truth! I want to believe you!

Kurumu: Also, Tsukune WAS bring framed in the first place! I saw Tsukune being led to that spot by Ginei!

Gin: Hah! Can't exactly back it up without any proof!

Gin: Go on Tsukune! Just take a peek! I'm telling you man, it's the biggest scoop to start the Newspaper Club!

Tsukune: Eh? What's even back there?

Gin: Don't worry about it! Just go!

The club president was sweating when Lucius held up a digital recorder that replayed the specific event. The electronic device then disappeared as the girl simply stood there with her arms crossed.

(Y/N): *groans* Guess we got you cornered, huh? *Groan* Damn, those punches got me good.

Tsukune helped you rise back on your feet as you gently rubbed the spot where you were attacked.

Lucius: Well? What do you say in your defense?

The white and black haired teen summoned her cursed blade and pointed it directly at the upperclassman.

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