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Warning: unedited, so expect errors.

Each word Sylph says was full of hatred. I don't know if it is intended for me but it looks like not anyway. It was just familiar. I can imagine how close Sylph was towards her brother based on her story. She said she wanted to find answers of her questions that's why she end up here. She wanted to witness the mystery of this mountain since this place was where her brother last went. After that, he can't be find anymore. I don't want to think like this but I think her brother was already one of the bones we found along here. I felt pity for her after I knew the story behind her smiles and laughters. Maybe this would be our end too. It would be the fate of the ones who will step on this mountain. Just then I realized something, that I didn't know my tears already fell. But no, it can't be. They are already in L.A.. They can't be dead. My heart beat faster as I remember the necklace i have seen on our way here. It can be Sarah's,,,,,  Sarah wasn't burried their. They were now happy in L.A.. They were building family now... They can't be dead. For the first time after five years I wanted to call Seth, or Sarah. I tried to getting cellphone but then I realized it will still be useless. Technologies were useless here. Its way too far from civilization. There were no signals. I am already aware of that before we came here. I just brought my phone to take some photos.

I don't know what should I felt as of this moment but I'm really scared. I want confirmation to end this uneasiness I felt.

I don't care if they were living together happily now. I don't care if Seth cheated on me. I don't care if Sarah betrayed me. I don't care if they were now building their family. I don't care even if they didn't invitee on their wedding or even bother explain on me. Of why did they hurt me. Why did they broke my heart and why did they left me. I don't care. All I wanted by now is for them to be actually in L.A.. The assurance that they have left this mountain  safely.

Before, I don't want to see them nor hear their voices. But now, I badly want to hear their voices to confirm that they were really alive. I'd rather accept their cheating than their death. I will forgive their cheating as long as they're alive. I tried to calm myself before Tyler could notice me looking uneasy.  I looked at him and thankfully he was already asleep.

"Are you alright, Diazo?" Cava asked me. Maybe she caught me crying. They call me Diazo since it was my first name. Cava once called me Azo cause she said Diazo was quite long but I insisted to call me Diazo. Just because I remembered Seth if someone would call me Azo. That's how Seth call me before. Sylph looked at me like she was examining me.

"Do you somehow, know someone who went at this very mountain before, Diazo?" Sylph asked in a serious tone. But she laugh. She was really weird.

"Oh! Sorry" she said between her laughs.

"Well, I guess you wouldn't be here if you already know someone who went at this very mountain before and haven't returned home" she added. I don't know why but it seems like its me whom she hated. Or maybe its just another wrong thought of mine. She looks friendly though. I just smiled at her.

"Actually, I know someone.... in fact they're two. But now, they were living happily in L.A.." I said though I wasn't that sure.

"I just never really expect this mountain to be sanguineous." I added. Well, I never really expected to be in this situation. If Sylph was here to unlock the mystery and for her brother, I was here to be relaxed. I just didn't know that this mountain would give me a different meaning of relaxation.

"They were now in L.A.? Oh! How come? Nobody returned home after they returned from this very mountain." she asked while looking at me seriously. I don't get what she was trying to imply but I wanted to believe that Sarah and Seth were actually in L.A. now. They should have survived all this bullshits or maybe.. they postponed their travel for this mountain climbing. Mayhaps, they went directly to L.A.. They should have. I tried to think of those positive things to convince myself that they were safe. And I know it's quite working.

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