cuddler 🧸

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in which el loves to be with mike all the time.

el wasn't always clingy. she was often distant and shaken her whole entire life.
as she grew up and turned the ripe age of 13 she, jane hopper, understood the meaning of life.

she learned that if she kept being uncomfortable with people all the time, she wouldn't get her way in this world.


"kid. don't do anything stupid okay?"
hopper said, softly pressing break on the car and looking at his now daughter.

el nodded with a smile and hopped out of the car, waving goodbye as she walked to the wheelers front door.

el rang the door bell giddily.
"micheal it's your girlfriend." el heard nancy, walking to the door with a familiar guy.

"hey el."
nancy said in a rush with johnathan by her side as they ran to the vehicle parked in the driveway.

el flashed a smile, turning around back to the door, seeing a freckled boy with black raven hair grin at her.

"hey el!"
mike spoke, guiding el inside by holding her hand.

"how was your day so far?"
mike asked as they ran down the basement stairs, shutting the door behind them.

el slumped down on the worn out couch.
"el, you alright?"

el shut her eyes,
"I'm just tired."
mike sat next to her, el laid her head in his shoulder (the song hehe).

el immediately wrapped her hands around mikes waist and pushed him to lay with her.

mike quickly got up, as though he forgot something. "w-what is it mike?"

mike shook his head and looked at el,
"it's nothing really I just-"

el strongly interrupted,
"I'm c-clingy mike I know. it was the word of t-the day..."

mike furrowed his eyebrows, only to hear el go on.
"i-i just don't want to lose you."

mike frowned,
"el your not clingy, and you'll never lose me! plus, it's okay, I like being like this with you."

el was showered in confusion,
"then why'd you get up?"

mike smiled,
"i needed to use the bathroom-but I promise to tell you next time."

el sighed and laid back down with mike.

"m-mike you can go."

mike slowly nodded his head and walked to the restroom in the basement.

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