thank-the-giving 📝

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this was requested. if you didn't see the end of episode 8 this is kind of a spoiler.


"hey el, you ready?"
will asked from el's bedroom door.
she had been reading all the letters she had received from her friends, including mike.

el wiped a tear away,
"yeah i am."
will smiled and walked away. el was so ready to see mike again.

talking on the phone wasn't enough for her. max tried to convince el that long distance would work. she'd say dustin and suzie have been doing it for almost a year. when el left, she thought that was the last of them.

el put away the letters in a pink box that sang its song with a rotating ballerina. she got up and carried her duffel bag outside.

johnathan was also excited too. he thought long and hard about what he was going to say to nancy. and he did. he was going to say, "will you marry me?" he had bought the ring and was ready to propose. he set aside the fact they were 21 years of age and just thought of how much he loved her...

joyce didn't really have any friends in Illinois. karen was joyce's best friend. karen also missed joyce's presence. joyce was nervous to return to Hawkins though. it reminded her of Hopper. they still didn't find his body. joyce hopped that he is out there so she could say all the things she's been wanting to...

will honestly missed everyone. he missed lucas and max's bickering, mike's rude remarks, and dustin's thought of d & d, even erika's love for it too. he missed steve. also robin! she was a figure he needed in times like this. he missed the old house, he missed the trails, he missed the air...

el of course missed mike. of course she missed the others too, but mike was what she loved. she missed being held in his embrace. she loved being with him. she had finally gotten the opportunity to go see him, so go see her home...

"are we all ready!?"
joyce asked excitedly.

everyone agree and got into the car. johnathan started the car and drove.
el rested her head on will's shoulder. joyce did a crossword puzzle and laughed whenever she couldn't find a word. they were all happy once they saw the 'Welcome to Hawkins' sign...

el practically jumped out of the car. johnathan pulled out the luggage with will. joyce hugged el when she saw how happy she was,
"you're ready huh?"

el nodded and hugged back. nancy looked outside her bedroom window and jumped off her bed, heading to mike's room.
"mike they're here!"

mike's eyes widened and he and nancy ran downstairs. karen woke up ted and got holly's juice.
joyce rang the door bell.

"go get it nancy!"
nancy smiled and her eyes light up once she opened the door.

joyce smiled at her.
"he's over there,"
nancy hugged el and joyce and ran over to johnathan and will.
johnathan picked her up.

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