"mike! mike please...over?" god bless super-coms and cozy bed covers for keeping el's composure. for hours on end would the girl speak with mike over her super-com for non sense...
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"jeez el alright i'll be there! over and out!" mike chuckled, pushing down the super-com's antena. he got up and practically ran outside to his new bike. sneaking out wasn't so unusual for. his mother was "busy"at the pool and Nancy was always out with Johnathan.
el silently looked through magazines in her bed, waiting for mike. the reason she started inviting mike more often was because Hopper was going out with Joyce now (so she thought), which meant they'd be home alone.
when el was about to reach the 11th page of her magazine, mike knocked on her front door. el gladly walked over to the door and looked at mike, running up to hug him.
"mike i missed you!" el exclaimed. mike giggled as they walked into her room, shutting the door behind them. "you saw me yesterday el." mike stated, taking a seat next to her on the bed.
el playfully rolled her eyes and quickly kissed mike. mike smiled. after el kissed him once, they both got a boost of confidence. well it wasn't unlikely for them to be touchy, but they were into it.
mike put his hands on el's waist, glancing at her for permission. she giggled and nodded. el leaned into mike, but mike suddenly stopped.
"el you forgot the music," el forgot that every time they'd make-out, they'd play music so it would seem as though they weren't actually making out.
el gasped and ran to her radio, playing madonna as usual. mike smirked as she ran back to the bed, jumping on mike.
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el wrapped her hands around mike's neck and went deeper into it,
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they were just about to go in for another kiss when they heard the front door open, "kid, or kids i'm home!"
mike and el knew Hopper would immediately come straight to el's room. they both sadly pulled away and grabbed some books at el's side table,
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"kids-" hopper walked into what he calls a beautiful site. the kids reading.
"hey hopper," "hi dad." the kids said. hopper smiled sarcastically, "this seems too good to be true for you two. you guys are on top of each other half the time." hopper said slowly backing away from the door.
"well not today Hop. we're just chilling." Hopper nodded and left the room.
little did Hopper know they've been making out for a whole year already...