Part 1 - Progression of Confidants

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I'm now 10, my love for heroes has only grown and my bond with Kacchan has too. At least I think. He hasn't hurt me since I showed off my quirk for the class all those years ago, but he also hasn't been nice. When I use his quirk its tiny explosions instead of crackles so I guess that means progress.

I haven't really made any friends since then, I've tried but the people in my school are not good people. I do have full control over my Mom's card now! I can use the power it holds without fault.


I'm now 12, not much new has happened, but I believe that me and Kacchan are becoming friends again. I also have another friend now! He's a quirkless man named Toshinori-san. I've helped him with groceries several times and we've exchanged numbers. I don't care if he is quirkless though, no one should bother with that.

Even though all men aren't created equal, they should be treated equally.


It was the beginning of the last week of middle school. I'm a plain looking 14 year old. Toshi-san's card is now only a step down from Mom's, our bond is almost unbreakable. Kacchan is now my friend again, but it seems more forced than it should, His card seems to be two-thirds full strength.


"Alright class, quiet down." The class does so as the teacher walks in. He's holding a stack of papers. "Now is the time to pick out your careers." He stomps a foot onto the desk and throws the papers, "BUT YOU ALL WANNA BE HEROES, CORRECT!?" The whole class except me and Kacchan shows off their quirks. "Don't lump me with these extras, teach! They'd be lucky to end up as a D-Listers sidekick!" The class boos Kacchan, then the teacher interjects "Ah, you want to go to U.A. correct?" The class shuts up at that. "Yeah, I aced the mock exam! I'll be the first out of this lousy school to go to U.A. and become the richest hero ever!"

"Midoriya, didn't you also want to go to U.A.?" I nod. The class murmurs about the two of us getting in, but I sense that Kacchan isn't so happy about this revelation.

I'm packing up my stuff at the end of the school day, including an important notebook I have that keeps track of my Tarot cards and my health. Its kinda like a journal except its not a detailed daily happening of my life.

"Is this a journal, ya fucking nerd?" Kacchan swipes the book as I'm about to grab it.
"Ah, Kacchan may I please have that back..?" I quietly ask. He scoffs and skims through it. I tense slightly. He scoffs again and throws it back to me, I catch it as he speaks, "If you want to 'further Kacchan's friendship' you should give up on going to U.A." he walks out. I sigh and put the Journal in my bag.

I was deep in thought while walking home. I was going to stop under the bridge I usually hang out under, but I was interrupted by something coming out of the sewer.

"What a surprise, a nice little disguise to get the heroes off my back!" It lunges at me but I quickly summon and grab Mom's card, then holdup my hand. The villain stops in its tracks with a confused look. "Hey kid, put me the fuck down!" It screams as I lift it while smirking.

Suddenly the manhole cover is burst open. I lose concentration and the villain comes at me again with desperation.
"Do not fear! Why? Because I AM HERE!" A large and powerful gust of wind blows the sludge to bits, but I keep my self in place with telekinesis.

My number one hero walks towards me, "Hello, Young Mido- Citizen! Are you ok?" I joyfully nod with stars in my eyes as I deactivate Mom's card. "Y-yes All Might Sir!" The hero chuckles and quickly cleans up the villain into two cola bottles. "Well, Young citizen, I must be going now, have to turn in this crook!"
"W-wait!" I pull out my Journal and open to my card page, I point to an empty space above Toshi-san's card with a pen, "Can you sign this? Toshi-san would really love to see your signature above his name!" The hero seems to get flustered but answers after a cough, "Of course! I'm sure this Toshi-san will be happy!!" He quickly signs his name then jumps off.
"Yes! I can't wait to show Toshi-san!"

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