Part 2 - The Two Sided Card

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"Toshi-san!" I call for the frail man as I run towards him, he turns my way with a smile and wave. I stop next to him at the top of the steps leading to the trash covered Dagobah Beach. He's shared with me his want to see the once beautiful beach in all its glory again. I open the Journal I always have on me and open it to All Might's signature above Toshi-san's name, "Toshi-san, look! All Might signed my notebook!" He chuckles and ruffles my hair. "It seems you got it in just the right spot too." He looks back out to the trash dump of a beach and sighs.

"Young Midoriya." "Young Citizen" "I have something very important to share with you, but I shall tell you when you are done with school." I blink a couple times... I could've sworn I saw and heard All Might. "O-ok Toshi-san." We stand there in peace.

"Toshi-san, I'm here like you asked!" It was the first day of summer break and Toshi-san had told me to meet him at our usual spot at 6:30. I'm a dedicated friend so I agreed. "Young Midoriya!" He turns and smiles his usual smile. "What did you want to tell me?" He sighs. "Well I guess I better show you." He lifts up his shirt and reveals a giant mangled portion of his abdomen, a noticeable dent in his body. "Midoriya, your card is only partially right about me." I pry my eyes from his scar. "W-what..?" "I... Am All Might." Right before my eyes the frail man I knew as Toshinori Yagi grew into the hero I adored, All Might. He told me what happened, All for One, his battle, the previous wielder.
"I want you, Midoriya, to be the next holder. I want you to become the next symbol of peace." I grabbed my head as a pounding headache started, Toshi-san stared at his own card as it appeared between us. We both witnessed it change. On one side, Toshi-san and on the other, All Might. The card bursted into a silver glow. The gold aura of justice enveloped the now silver card. I grabbed the card, and something amazing happened.

I passed out.


Toshi-Might - All-san -
Toshi-san had brought me home, I think. Considering the last thing I remember is passing out in front of him, its a safe guess. I summon his card and stare at it as it floats... does this give me a copy of One for All? I think about grabbing it again, but realize its not a good idea.

Toshi-san asked me to meet him again two days after that little incident.
"Young Midoriya! Are you feeling ok?"
"Yes, I think it was a kind of failsafe. The card may have a version of your quirk that could injure me greatly."
"Well that just means there is no choice but for me to train you until you can properly channel that power!" I smile at the man's enthusiasm.
"Now, you better get started on cleaning this portion of the beach!" I look at the cluttered beach, frowning slightly.
"Without those cards of yours!"

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