Part 11 - Katsuki Finally Concedes

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After the other training battles were finished, and Yaoyorozu explained each VIP, we were sent back to the locker rooms to change and get back to the classroom to leave. I sit in my desk and Iida stands next to it, both of us waiting for Uraraka to arrive back from doing some class chores. A few of our classmates formed a group around us and we all talked, they mostly focused on my battle with Kacchan. I didn't mind, Kacchan didn't seem too mad about it either but then again he was facing away from me in his seat.

Uraraka walks back in the room with Kaminari, and I'm sure he asks her on a date or something by how disappointed he looks when he is ignored, "Deku-kun, Iida-kun!" She places the textbooks where they belong and rushes over to Iida and I, the other students around us parting for her. "Hey Uraraka-chan, you seem rather excited to leave Kaminari in the dust." I comment and stand up, slipping my backpack onto one arm. She seems to get flustered, "W-what? N-no its not like that!" I nod and start walking towards the door, "Deku." A calloused hand is placed on my shoulder. I turn my head to Kacchan and he releases his hand, "My house. If you don't show up, your dead." I smile and nod, and he walks past me and out the door. "What was that about?" Uraraka is suddenly next to me, "He just invited me to hang out later." Iida is suddenly next to Uraraka, "I admit, I forgot that you and Bakugo-kun are friends." I shrug and continue walking, "Kacchan has an interesting way of communicating things. I think its his mother's doing."


"Kacchan invited me to his house." "Well that hasn't happened in awhile..." I nod and slip on my red sneakers, now wearing a green shirt that says 'Flannel Shirt' in kanji and black jogging pants. "Be careful sweetie!" "Alright Mom!" I open the door and close it when I exit. 'It is rather sudden, but I'm glad Kacchan wants to try and be friends.' I walk the familiar route to Kacchan's home, it feeling like second nature. It takes a few minutes to get there, and when I do I knock on the door.

"HEY BRAT! GET THE DOOR!" "SHUT UP YOU HAG! I WAS GOING TO ANYWAY!" The door slams open and Kacchan's furious scowl noticeably softens when he sees me. "Oh, hey there nerd." He turns around and walks back in, "Hey Mom! Izuku and I are going to hang out in my room!" I walk in behind him and close the door, taking off my shoes. I walk into the living room as Kacchan walks up the stairs. I see Mrs Bakugo pop out of the kitchen. "Hey Aunt Mitsu." "Oh! Hey there Izu! I would go over and hug you, but I have ingredients all over me! IF ONLY THE BRAT TOLD ME YOU WERE COMING!" "SHUT UP!" "I'll be heading upstairs now!" I go towards the stairs, "It was nice to see you again Izu!"

I enter Kacchan's room to him sitting at his desk. "Deku, what the fuck is up with you and All Might?" I close the door, "He saved me from a slime villain and I got a card. I basically have a more versatile version of his quirk." He nods, "The way he was fucking winking at you was hilariously obvious and also stupid." I shrug and sit down, "All Might is actually a big dork." He nods, and a silence befalls us for a couple seconds. "Did you just want me here to ask that..?" "No... Look, I know we aren't really that close. That may be all my fucking fault or whatever, but I know that I'm not the only strong one in class. That half'n half bastard froze an entire building like it was nothing, and you have all those fucking quirks." 'I never thought these words would be coming from Kacchan. This is brilliant.' "So... I'm trying to say I'm ok with being your actual fucking friend." The familiar thum of pain hits my head and Kacchan's card appears in front of me "You are being rather honest with yourself Kacchan." 'It just jumped up two levels, its seems to be about eight out of ten.' "I'm glad." The card disappears and Kacchan scoffs and looks away. "Shut the fuck up, goddamn nerd!"


"Oh, you're alive!" I walk in to the classroom and am greeted by Uraraka excitedly shouting. "Why the fuck wouldn't he be, round face!?" Kacchan screams from his desk. "I am glad to have escaped in tact." I say jokingly as I walk to my seat. Kacchan punches my leg as I pass him, "I should've killed you when I had the chance." "Yeah, and I should've posted your baby pictures years ago." Kacchan lets out an in between of a growl and a gasp. "You wouldn't fuckin dare, Deku!" "Oh, I so would, Kacchan." I can tell the class is confused. I am rather amused.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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