Part 9 - All Might's First Class.

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It was a normal day for us students in U.A... well as normal as the fifth day of a hero school could be. That being said, there wasn't really any hero-ing being taught. Well, we've learned some hero basics already from our homeroom teacher, Aizawa, a couple times. He said they wanted us to be prepared before the real heroics teacher started teaching us.

I'll have to admit, the first two days were overwhelming for me. While I'm not as much as a hero nerd as I could have turned out to be, I still geek hard over them. I like studying the way they fight or their quirks. I even like to learn about the exploits of Lunch Rush, who happens to be the main chef at U.A. Something, however, was making finally having an actual Hero Basics class more exciting. Maybe its because I'm the only student that knows for a fact that All Might is teaching this class, It didn't take much prodding for him to tell me, honestly.

"HAHA!! IT IS I, COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE ANY NORMAL STAFF MEMBER WOULD!!" I stare at All Might-san striking a ridiculous pose while holding onto the frame of the door. He looks right at me and winks so obviously it makes several people snicker quietly.

He then makes a show of walking to the podium, probably waiting for the murmuring about his costume to quiet down. He stops and wooshes his cape like any good cape wearing hero, "I AM YOUR HERO BASICS TEACHER!" He looks around at the class before pointing at the ceiling, "Today is special!" He lowers his volume, probably since he saw both Jiro and Shoji wince due to their more sensitive hearing. "Considering you have gone over the basics with Aizawa, and have experienced something akin to it during the entrance exam, we shall be heading to the second step!" He points at the wall to his right with dramatic flare, more subtly winking at me as the wall slides open, "But first!! Hero costumes that you designed, and were crafted to suit your quirks, based off the forms you handed in!" Suitcases were set on shelves that were now protruding off the wall, "Hurry and grab the case with your number on, then meet me outside at ground beta!" All Might leaves with a flourish of the cape. 'He seemed rather happy... he must have been telling the truth about getting a buff with OFA. Or he's got a girlfriend.'


The boys locker room. A very clean room that only houses one dirty thing, the mind of a purple midget named Minoru Mineta. The first time we were in this room he tried to find any sort of "secret bounty left by upperclassman!" He was quickly stopped by a fuming Iida. He thinks he has something now, with a poster that has been coming off the wall slightly, but non of the guys that are within reach will let him touch the thing.

"Woah bro, thats a cool lookin costume!" The one who clasped my shoulder excitedly is named Kirishima Eijiro. He is a social butterfly, and the whole class has come to the consensus that he is too pure for his own good, even wanting to crack open the very intense and sensitive bomb that is Kacchan. 'No matter how you see it, just a few days has passed and already we all know the basic personalities of everyone in class.' "Ah, thanks Kirishima-kun." I say as I click my All Might smile-like metal mask in place.

My costume is fairly simple, consisting of; a tight black long sleeve under a dark green vest, a black cloak with a split three-way tail that fades into green at the tips, dark green gloves, black baggy dress pants and my red sneakers. including a special guard for the lower half of my face, designed to look like an All Might smile.

 including a special guard for the lower half of my face, designed to look like an All Might smile

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(A reference, just imagine my small details on it)

Iida and I walk out together, him in a suit of armour that makes him look pretty awesome. A good amount of the class was out here already, which made me wonder how long it truly took for the two of us to change.

A little bit after, the missing member of our little friend group comes out, "Deku-kun, Iida-kun! You two look awesome!" "Thank you Uraraka-kun! Your costume also looks..." Iida falters as he takes a good look at Uraraka-chan. I finish his thought, "Showy." Her face gets slightly red and she rubs the back of her helmet, "Ah, yeah I should've been more specific, they made it skin tight..." "Don't worry, it still looks good." I reassure her, Iida agreeing with a firm nod, "Yes, it suits you rather well, Uraraka-kun."

"Amazing, you all look like true heroes!" All Might says with a thumbs up. We group in front of him as if we were children waiting for a story.

"Today we will be moving two steps ahead of the basics. I believe that to learn the basics, you have to witness them for yourselves!" His voice seems so commanding that no one thinks about cutting him off, "Most of the villains you see on T.V. Are out in the open, broad daylight and in the middle of the road. Those villains are just the knuckleheads, the truly dastardly criminals work in the dead of night, hidden in shadowed houses. Backroom deals, Imprisonment, the like. All of it is where the real atrocious fiends lay. Which is why you all will be paired into two's at random and chosen as either the hero or villain teams!" All Might gestures to a halographic screen that just appeared beside him, showing a two paneled slot machine. As the teams were made I couldn't help but feel as if they were canon, which is weird since there is nothing to compare it to as this is real life.

Anime is real life.

What? Never mind.

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