Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

At 18 years old, most girls dream about getting out in the world and getting their life started. Me? I just dream about living through the next day. I live with my mom who stays high all the time and my dad is a drunk that gambles. Everyday for me is a struggle. There have been days where I didn't have food and some days where I didn't leave the house because I had too many visible bruises. When I leave the house, I wear long sleeves and a hood and keep my head down. I don't let people see me. I can't. I live in Charming, California and for me it's anything but Charming. I did all I could to graduate a half year early and didn't plan on walking with the graduating class. No one would be there. No one even notices I'm not around. I don't even have any friends that I can talk to. I don't have anyone. When I finished school, I had a 4.0GPA and no one even knows it. But little did I know that things were about to change.

"Manda, get in here." my mom yelled. I went running like I always do so that I don't piss her off. Her and my dad are sitting at a table with a gray haired man in a leather kutte that I didn't know. I knew of his club though. You can't live in Charming and not know who they are. "Yes mom." I say. "Sit. This is Clay Morrow. He's the president of the Sons of Anarchy MC." My dad says. "Hello Mr Morrow. It's nice to meet you. Would you like something to drink?" I asked. "No Sweetheart but I do want to talk to you." he says and that scares me. "Me?" I asked. "Mr Morrow here, has been nice enough to pay off your dad's gambling debt." Mom says. "Thank you for that Mr Morrow." I say looking down. "We came to an agreement." Mom says. I look at her confused and she says "Manda, we have arranged for you to marry one of the guys from his club." she tells me. "An arranged marriage?" I asked softly knowing I couldn't say no. "Yes Sweetheart." he says. "The wedding has been planned and you will meet your husband at the alter." Mom explains. "When is the wedding?" I asked. "Tomorrow." Mr Morrow spoke up. I look up in shock. "Tomorrow?" I asked. "Yes. My wife took care of everything. Your dress and everything. Your father is going to walk you down the aisle and give you away. My wife will be here in the morning to help you get ready." he tells me. "Yes sir. Please tell your wife thank you for me." I say, being polite, knowing if I don't, Dad will beat me again. "Go get some rest Manda. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow." Mom says. I excuse myself. "It was nice meeting you Mr Morrow. I will see you tomorrow. Good night." I say before heading into my room.

I walk into my bedroom and sit on the bed. Married. I think to myself. Maybe it won't be so bad. I just hope he isn't one to beat on me like my dad. But knowing my luck he will be worse. I lay on the bed and drift off to sleep.

The next morning, Mom wakes me up. "Get up and showered. Gemma will be here in an hour." she says. I get up and walk into the bathroom and shower and once out, I put on a button down and shorts and then blow dry my hair. Once that's done, mom walks in with a woman that I assume is Gemma. I don't meet her eyes. I never meet anyone's eyes. "Manda, this is Gemma Teller-Morrow. She's going to get you dressed and do your hair and makeup." mom tells me before walking out of the room. "Good morning Mrs Morrow. Thank you for this." I tell her. She walks over to me and tilts my head up to look at her and says "Honey, I don't have a daughter so this is going to be fun for both of us." She smiles at me and then asked "Did they tell you anything about the man you are marrying?" I shake my head no and she says "Well, his name is Juan Carlos and we call him Juice. He's a tech guy. Puerto Rican. Really sweet." she says. "I just hope he likes me." I say softly. "Sweetheart, have you ever been out with anyone?" she asked. "No ma'am. I don't let anyone see me." I tell her. "Can I ask you something?" I asked. "Sure baby." she says and I find her really easy to talk to. Nothing like my mother. "Why did you arrange a marriage to pay off my dad's debt?" I asked. "The guy you are marrying? He's a special one. He needs someone to love him. Someone to stand by him. He's lonely and he wants someone he can come home to." she tells me. "He can't find that on his own?" I asked. "It's not that easy baby. Most girls only go after the patch, not the man. This way, you know the man not the patch." she says. "Mrs Morrow, I haven't even kissed anyone." I say as a tear rolls down my cheek. I am already feeling like a disappointment to the man and I haven't even met him yet. "Okay, Sweetheart. First of all, none of that Mrs Morrow shit. You call me Gemma. Second, you will have to kiss him at the ceremony but he's really sweet. He won't pressure you for anything else before you're ready." she tells me and that eases my mind a little.

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