Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

The next several months go by and I realize that this is my life. It's a good life. One that I never would have dreamed possible. I love my husband and he has never made me doubt his love not even once and for that I am grateful. He's amazing. And our twins. They just turned a year old and I can't believe the little personalities that they have. Carlos is Juan made over. Looks just like him and acts like him. Natalie is just like me. She's quiet and observant but affectionate like her brother. It's not uncommon to see them stumbling around holding hands.

The blog is going great. Sitting at over five thousand followers, it's been great. "Your blog is amazing Manda." Gemma says. "Thanks. Juan told me that I needed to turn it into a book." I say. She looks at me and says "That's not a bad idea. Why don't you?" she asked. "I might do that. Just need to get my mind together and get it started." I tell her.

I spend the rest of the day watching the twins play in the yard before they finally get tired and take a nap. I clean the house and Juan comes home after the kids have gotten up and have been fed. Putting them in their high chair, I plate his food and then my own and we sit down to eat. "I spoke to Gemma today." I tell him. "What about?" he asked. "About the book idea that you suggested. She thinks it would be a good idea." I tell him. "Well, we have that extra room, we can turn it into an office for you." he says. The twins are in their own rooms and there's still the extra guest room. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yeah. I'm off tomorrow. We can go shopping for office furniture and I can get the prospects to come move the furniture that's in there to the storage unit." He tells me. "Thank you." I say. He smiles at me and I say "Seriously. You have been nothing but supportive to me in the three years we've been together and I could not ask for a better husband. Thank you." I say again. "You've done as much if not more for me than I have for you. I never thought that I would have a family and now I do. Thanks to you." he says as he leans over and kisses me softly. As we kiss, we hear the twins laughing and look over to see them smiling at us. "You guys like when Daddy kisses Mommy?" he asks. Carlos mumbles "Mamama" I smile and kiss his cheek and say "Yeah baby. Momma." Natalie reaches for Juan and says "Dadada" so he picks her up and says "See, Daddy's girl." I can't help but laugh.

The next day we are out shopping for office furniture. We pay and schedule the delivery for the next day. Getting back to the house, the prospects are sitting in the driveway with a truck to take everything to the storage unit in. "Hey guys." I say. "Hey Manda." Rat says. "Come on in guys." Juan says and they start grabbing the things that we were able to bring home out of the car and carrying them into the house. I had stripped the bed that morning so it was ready to take apart and take down. "Do you want to paint the walls?" Juan asks. "Nah. I like this color. This blue is kinda calming." I tell him. "Okay." He says simply before pulling me into his arms.

Today the furniture has been delivered and the guys set it up for me just the way I want it. Juan is there because he doesn't want someone in the house with me and the twins, alone. Once the room is set up, he tells me "I spoke to Neeta and she's going to help with the twins while you work if you need her to." I smile and says "Thanks. Hopefully I can handle it but if not, I'll give her a call." I can't believe that this is happening.

I sit down while the kids are down for a nap and start to write. Words seem to come out easy because I just put myself in the mindset that each chapter is just a long blog post. I even wrote on the blog post that I am writing a book. Juan found a website where I can self publish and order my own books to promote and the club said that they would help me fund it. I could not be happier. I finally have what I wanted. A family and a writing career. All thanks to an arrangement of love.

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