Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It seemed like hours before the guys came back. Juan walks to me and picks me up over his shoulder and carries me to his dorm room, smacking my ass along the way. We get into the room and he locks the door before crashing his lips to mine. When we come up for air he says "I. Fucking. Love. You." and kisses me again. The way he is kissing me just takes my breath away. After he finally lets me breathe, he sits down on the bed and pulls me to straddle him. "We got Hale to go with us to his house. Hale took the kids and called DHS. They are in state custody now. So, all we have to do is wait on Weston to make a move." he explains. "Are we still on lockdown until he does something?" I asked. "Yeah. So no going out without an escort." he tells me.

Gemma tells the guys that we are going to have to go to the store to pick up supplies. Clay sends the prospect with me and Gemma and I head out to the car. Juan kisses me and tells me, "Stay with the prospect. Don't get out of his sight." I kiss him back and say "I won't. I promise." We walk out the door and head out of the lot with the prospect behind us. Pulling up to the store, we get out and head inside to get what we need. Once outside, We are putting things in the trunk and back seat and I forget something inside. "Gemma, I need to get something. I'll be right back." I tell her. "Sure, baby." she tells me and I head back inside. I walk to the aisle that I need and start to look for what I need and I feel a hand on my arm and something poking me in the side. "Hello Manda." Weston says. "You're coming with me. You scream, I shoot you. Got it?" he asked. "Y-yeah." I say, knowing he will kill me and not think twice about it.

Outside the store, Gemma and the prospect are waiting on me and seeing that I am taking too long. "Where is that girl?" Gemma asked. They walk back into the store and start looking for me. Looking at one of the clerks that helped them a few minutes ago, Gemma asked, "You see the girl that was here with me a few minutes ago?" The girl looks up and says "She went out the side door just a few minutes ago." Gemma looks at her scared. "Was she with anyone?" Gemma asked. "Yeah. There was a guy with her. She didn't look like she wanted to go." the clerk said. Gemma rushes outside and tells the prospect, "Call Clay. Now!" Gemma yelled. Sack calls Clay and hands the phone to Gemma. "Clay. Weston has Manda." she says and Clay says they are on their way.

The club pulls up a few minutes later. Juice jumps off and runs to Gemma, "Where is she?" he asked starting to panic. "She went back inside. Said she forgot something and went back in. After a few minutes, she still hadn't come out, I went in looking for her and the clerk said she was taken out the side door and that she didn't look like she wanted to go." Gemma explains. "I'm sorry baby." Gemma says. "Clay, we gotta find her." Juice almost pleads. "Let's get back to the clubhouse. We figure this shit out, now." Clay says and they all head out to the clubhouse.

Going into the chapel, they start forming a plan. "We know who has her. We just have to find out where he's keeping her." Clay says. Juice has his laptop on the table top and typing away looking at where they could be. "I think I found something. There's a house out on the edge of town that is still in his mom's name and it looks like it's secluded." Juice says. "Let's head out." Clay says and they head out to their bikes and to the house where they think that Manda is being held by Weston.

Pulling up just down the road from the house, Sack runs down to see if he can see her. Sneaking up to the house, he looks into one of the windows and sees Manda tied to a chair, her head down looking like she is unconscious. Sack sees one guy in the room with her and moves around to see what else he can see. Sneaking back to the guys, he says "There's one in the room with her, looks like one in the living room with Weston." Sack says. "Is she okay?" Juice asked. "She's tied to a chair and looks like she's unconscious." he tells them. "Let's go. Hap, Koz and Opie go in the back. Jax, me, Chibs and Juice go in the front." Clay says. "Weston's mine." Juice said and they all nod.

Sneaking back up to the house, they bust in from the back and front at the same time, guns drawn. Weston and his men draw their guns but Happy shoots one in the head, dropping him. Chibs shoots another in the throat and he falls, bleeding out. Happy and Tig, grab Weston and tie him up while Juice heads to the bedroom to get Manda. Opening the bedroom door, Juice takes in the sight in front of him. He runs to Manda and lifts her head while Jax starts untying her. "Manda, baby, please wake up. Baby, I need you to wake up." Juice pleads. Manda stirs and whispers "Juan?" and her eyes flutter opened just as Jax gets the ropes untied. Juice picks her up and starts carrying her out of the room. Chibs walks over and takes Manda from him and he says "I'll take her to the clubhouse and check her out." Juice nods his head as Chibs takes her to the van and heads to the clubhouse.

Juice walks back into the house as Clay and Jax are moving the bodies of the two men into the other van that was there for disposal. Walking into the bedroom where Manda had been held, Weston was tied to the chair. Getting down into Weston's face he seethes "You think you can get away with hurting my wife? You racist piece of shit." Before Juice can say anything else, Weston speaks. "She needed to be cleansed so she can breed the pure race. Not a wetback's bastard." Juice punches Weston in the jaw, almost knocking him over. "You will never touch my wife again. And your little racist offspring? They will go to good homes where they can be 'cleansed' of your bullshit." he said. Weston doesn't say anything else. Juice stands up and takes his K-bar out of its sheathe and looks at Weston one more time, before slicing Weston's throat and watching him bleed out, feeling a sick sense of satisfaction. Clay walks over to him. "You did good son. Avenge your Old Lady. Go to her. We got this." Clay says. Juice nods and heads back to the clubhouse.

Pulling up at the clubhouse, he parks his bike and runs into the clubhouse. Seeing Gemma, she walks to him and says, "She's in your room resting. Chibs is still with her." Juice nods his thanks and heads straight back to his dorm. Walking into the room, Chibs walks over and says, "He knocked her around a little. Bruised ribs but that's about it." Juice looks at him and says "Did he..." Chibs cuts him off and says "She's still yours." Juice releases the breath he was holding before Chibs pats his shoulder and leaves the room. Manda was laying under the covers. She was changed into one of his shirts and a pair of his sweatpants. He strips down and climbs into bed with me and I curl into his side as she starts to wake up a little. "Juan?" I whisper. "I'm here baby. I got you." he whispers back. "Is he..." Juice cut me off, "It's done." I sigh and lean up and kisses him. "Love me Juan Carlos. Please?" I whisper. "I love you Manda." he says before kissing me and slowly making love to me and showing me how much he loves me."

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