C-5.❤A Friend At The Rescue.❤

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"Unhe shikayat he humse,
Ki hum apne Pyar ko baya kyu Nahi Karte.
Na samajh hai wo itna bhi nahi jante,
Jo lafzo me baya ho jae bus itna sa hum unhe pyar nahi karte..."
-Mushaid Shaikh.

(She has complain about me,
That why I don't express my love.
She doesn't understand this much,
That I love her more than what words can express...)


"Finally this boring lecture got over." Umme Hani heaves a sigh of relief.

"Don't call it boring. I like geography." Zaala replies.

"Whatever but in the next year I'm going to drop this subject even if you don't." Umme Hani commented.

Their next lecture is psychology but their teacher is absent and so they head towards their home. Today Umme Hani's parents are going out of station so she'll stay at Zaala's place for two days. Both friends planned their schedule beforehand. First, they'll have their lunch then they'll study for half an hour and then they'll rest for a while before praying their salah. Then they'll clean Zaala's shelf and after praying maghrib salah they'll help Zarq in preparing the dinner and after dinner and isha salah, they'll watch their favourite Disney movies. They decides to ask Hunaif to bring Pizza in the night.

After coming home they make a few changes in their schedule. In the night they play hide-and-seek, aakh micholi (blindfold). They enjoy a lot because Zaala's dad has also gone out for some work and so there wasn't any need to sleep before ten. Even after playing so much Zaala, Umme Hani, Hunaif and Zaya watched three movies one after the other.


"Zaala, Hani wake up beta (child)," Zarq says shaking them.

"Please let us sleep for some more time." Zaala pleads but her mom's next sentence make her jump out of her bed. "Zaala your dad is coming within an hour and one of his friends is also coming with him along with his family. I need your help in preparing the lunch."

Zaala is fully aware of her dad's old habit. He never informs them beforehand. He always tells them about the guest's arrival only one or two hours before they arrive. So the girls got up and cleaned their house and also helped Zarq in preparing the lunch.


Two ladies and two gents came with Mr Faruqi. He tells his wife to make Zaala ready as this is a nice proposal for her. All those people are educated, the boy earns one lakh per month and cherry on the top he offers Sallah five times daily and reads Quraan daily.

Zarq tries to make her husband understand to let Zaala fulfil her dreams before marriage, "I know you are worried about your daughter but please let her fulfil her dreams. At least let her complete her graduation before her marriage."

"Don't talk like a fool Zarq. Maybe till then, she'll run away with that filthy boy spoiling my honour forever." Mr Faruqi replies angrily.

"Believe me our daughter is pure. Those rumours are all lies. I have faith in my daughter, she'll never do any such thing which brings shame on us." Zarq defends her daughter.

"If only a single person had told me then I would have ignored but the whole colony is telling me. Our daughter isn't that intelligent to take an important decision about herself on her own and boys like Sabil easily manipulate innocent girls mind. I want nothing but a better future for her. Dreams are dreams, not all dreams get fulfilled. Tell her to change her dreams." Saying so Mr Faruqi leaves.

What he didn't see is his daughter and her friend listening to his conversation with wet eyes. Zaala's heart broke. How can her father think that she'll run away and spoil his image? She got angry at her parents, at Sabil, at Zimad, at the people in her locality and at last on her own self for coming in this world.

She didn't wait for her mom to tell her, she herself got ready. She didn't even apply powder on her face, no kajal, nothing. She just wore a simple yellow dress having white flowers on them. She didn't bother to tie her hijab. She just adjusted her dupatta on her head.

Umme Hani just watches her silently. She doesn't help her to get ready but she's totally aware that her friend will win their hearts even in her simplest look. She denies her strong urge to confront Zaala's dad and tell him the truth as she's afraid he'll deny. But after thinking for a long time she finally gets an idea, how to turn away this proposal and a smile appears on her face.



Finally, my cousin sister-in-law's marriage and all functions got over 😓 so here's a new update for you all. 🤗

What do you think about Hani's plan to turn away this proposal???🤔

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