Ch-18.❤Mrs Sabil.❤

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"Kisi ko pyar karo to is kadar ki
Fir kisi aur ko chahne ki jagah na rahe...
Wo muskurade tumhe dekh kar
To zindagi se for koi khwaish a rahe..."
-Mushaid Shaikh.

(Love someone in such a way that
There won't be any space left to love
Another one...
If your lover smiles looking at you then
There shouldn't be another wish left for


"So, what are you doing Mrs Sabil?" Sabil asks Zaala. "Just resting." She replies.

"Can I come there?" Sabil asks and after a long silence she agrees.

"What? Do you really agree?" He asks in disbelief and she conforms again.

"Ok wait for me." Saying so he disconnects the call and goes towards her house.

He slowly goes towards her house. Upon reaching her window he clears his throat. Zaala instantly opens it and Sabil says, "Assalamalaikum wifey." Zaala blushes hard while replying.

"Do you know what's special tonight?" Sabil asks Zaala getting closer to the window.

Instead of her Umme Hani pops her head beside Zaala and replies, "I know, I know it's your marr..." Zaala covers Umme Hani's mouth before she can complete her sentence.

Sabil didn't Know that Umme Hani is also staying at Zaala's place and in a shocking state he stumbles backwards and falls down.

Umme Hani laughs loudly removing Zaala's hand from her mouth. Zaala tries to control her laugh. Sabil gets up and stands near the window once again saying, "you look even more beautiful while laughing."

"Wanna come in Jiiiiijuuuu?" Umme Hani asks. "No thanks, thickhead but if you would have told me before then I would have brought Zimad with me then there wouldn't have been any need for you to get jealous and disturb us." Sabil teases her.

"Get lost uselessly." Umme Hani replies and moves away from the window.

"Ok love, meet you soon." Saying so Sabil gives a flying kiss to Zaala. She catches it and keeps her hand on the left side of her chest.

In the night they both fall into a peaceful sleep living sweet moments together in their dreamland.


Next day...

"Zaala do you remember Laiba?" Zarq asks her daughter.

"Do you mean the one who works at your sister's house?" Zaala conforms.

"Yes, that girl Laiba. She's getting married next week and Khulus (Zarq's sister and Zaala's maternal aunt) has invited all of us as she's the one who fixed Laiba's marriage and is taking care of all the expenses. So we all are going there." Zarq replies.

"Wow mom, I like aunt Khulus's village very much. Can we go a few days before the marriage?" Zaala gets excited.

"Hey, Hani will you accompany us?" Zaala then asks Hani. "No Zaala actually, my cousin is also coming with my parents and if I'll leave she'll feel bad. I hope you understand." Umme Hani replies and Zaala nods her head and says, "It's ok Hani and mom when will we leave?" Zaala asks her mom.

"I'll talk to your dad. If he agrees we'll leave tomorrow itself." Zarq replies.

"Yey..." Zaala shouts in excitement.

At night Zarq asks Mr Faruqi if they can go tomorrow and he agrees.

Early in the morning Zarq and her daughters pack their bags and after having breakfast they start their journey towards the village. Hunaif goes with them along with the driver to drop them.

Khulus welcomes all of them upon their arrival. Hunaif and the driver leave after lunch.

In the whole week, Zaala enjoys herself fully. She rides her cousin's bicycle near their house as there's hardly any passerby. She removes tamarind from the tree along with her cousin's. In the evening they all go towards the farm and sitting near the weel under a shady tree she enjoys fresh coconut water. It seems as if in this village she's once again living her childhood. She feels like a free bird.

Her days starts and ends in a hurry but she never forgets to talk with Sabil. At night she sneaks away on the terrace without anyone noticing her. She then calls Sabil every night sitting on the terrace, gazing at the star. These moments seem to be the most precious to her heart.

The weak ends soon and Sabil insists Zaala to meet him. As it's a village and there's no house near her aunt's house till two kilometres from all the four sides. They have a good chance to meet somewhere near the house on the farm but Zaala feels afraid to do so.

On the day of Laiba's wedding, everyone is busy. After the wedding, they all went to bed early at night as they are very tired. Sabil calls Zaala and tells her that he has reached the village and asked her uncle's name he has reached near the house. He tells Zaala to meet him for at least five-ten minutes as they don't know when they'll meet next. Zaala knows that Mr Faruqi won't allow her to go outside and she also wants to meet her husband so she agrees.

Zaala silently goes outside the house from the back door and to her benefit, the power is cut off. She meets Sabil who's waiting near a huge tree near the house. In a hurry, Zaala forgets to wear her sleepers and so her feet get hurt. When Sabil sees her limping he takes her feet in his hands and examine them one by one in his mobile torchlight but finds nothing severe.

He then holds Zaala's hands and asks her to stand on his shoes. She doesn't agree but when Sabil warns her and threatens her from different types of insects and snakes. She instantly agrees. They find it hard to maintain a suitable distance between them as they are standing very close. Sabil then asks Zaala to hug him. When she doesn't agree he tells her that it's her husband's order and so she cannot deny it. Finally, she hugs him. He then opens his jacket and asks her to hug him. Zaala laughs and puts her hand around his waist from under the jacket and hugs him. Her heartbeat increases so much that she thinks it will come out of her ribcage any moment now.

Sabil then asks her, "dear can I please kiss you, I mean on your forehead and cheeks?"

Zaala reluctantly agrees. He then places a gentle kiss on her forehead, then on her cheeks. Zaala then feels his hot breath near her neck but he doesn't kiss her there and moves away from her controlling his emotions. They then sit down and talks.

"Are there more stars in the sky today or am I looking at the sky after a long time?" Sabil says.

"No, normally there are these many stars in the sky. Are you really looking at the night sky after a long time?" Zaala replies and asks.

"I guess, I stopped looking at the sky. I mean stars and the moon since I found my moon." Sabil replies.

"Which moon?" Zaala gets confused.

"I mean you, my wife," Sabil replies looking lovingly in her eyes but their lovely moment is disturbed by an angry voice, "who's sitting there?"


Assalamalaikum and Hi my lovely readers...🤗

Soon a big drama is arriving in their life which is going to put them in lots of trouble...

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