Ch-11. ❤First Hug.❤

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"Hame dekhkar Jo aap muskurae,
Aakho ke zariye is dilme samae...
Khushnasib hai hum ya wo pal tha hasin,
Jab aap hamari zindagi me aaye..."

(When you smiled seeing me,
Through eyes, you entered inside the heart...
Maybe I'm the lucky one or that moment      must have been beautiful,
When you entered my life...)


"Zaala look there your lover boy of is smiling at you." Zaala turns back and finds Sabil smiling at her. She too smiles in return and lowers her gaze while a sweet blush appears on her cheeks.

"Aww... Someone is feeling shy. By the way, you look so cute with this blush." Umme Hani teases Zaala.

"I think you'll also look cute when you'll do the same," Zaala replies. Umme Hani gets confused but when Zaala directs her to look in Sabil's direction she understands. Her face also reflects similar expressions like Zaala's but she quickly turns around and walks away, showing her fake anger. Zaala follows her and they hear someone's amused laugh from a distance.

"So your lover boy is also here. I guess he wants to wish you good luck for your exams." Now it's Zaala's turn to tease Umme Hani.

"He isn't my lover boy till now." Umme Hani replies in an angry tone.

"So can I give him your number? Actually, Sabil is constantly asking for your number on behalf of him." Zaala asks.

"No, don't you dare." Umme Hani warns Zaala.

"Come on Hani it's not like you'll always get another understanding and loving boy like him. He seems nice, just give him a chance." Zaala tries to convince her.

"Ok, I'll think about it later on. Now let's go to our respective classrooms. Our exam is going to start within ten minutes. I think you don't need my best wishes anymore as your inbox and maybe your mind is full of them because of your lover boy's messages and calls." Umme Hani again teases Zaala.

"Will you stop calling him that and teasing me or else one day you'll call him that even in front of dad by mistake," Zaala warns him.

"Yeah, yeah, then let's name him 'bill'." Umme Hani suggests. Zaala disagrees but Umme Hani doesn't give up. At last Zaala finally agrees.


"Have you lost it? Three hours Zimad, it's three hours. Do you really want to wait outside the college for three hours?" Sabil gets annoyed by Zimad's demand.

"Yes." Zimad replies.

"You are wiped." Sabil teases him.

"You too my dear." Zimad replies.

"No, I'm not acting like a lovesick puppy like you. Anyways, I'm going as I'm already late for work." Sabil says.

"You are going to work? From when? I can't believe it. My friend Sabil once told me that he'll search for work maybe after his marriage. Where did that Sabil go and who are you?" Zimad asks.

"Don't act like a drama queen and yeah, I remember once I told you that but now I really want to work. I want to earn money, I want to gain respect in society or else that proud old bull won't ever agree to make me his son-in-law. So today is my first day at work." Sabil replies.

"Try calling Mr Faruqi a proud old bull in front of your girlfriend and let's see her reaction." Zimad tries to pull his leg.

"I won't ever dare to do so," Sabil replies.

"Now say who's wiped?" Now it's Zimad's turn to tease him.

"Of course it's you not me," Sabil smirks and starts his bike.


At midnight...

Due to a power cut off, Zaala sits in the hall for studying. She has a habit to read loudly and in the silence of the night her voice echo throughout the house. Her dad's sleep gets disturbed. So he comes out and asks, "child why aren't you studying in your room?"

"The ceiling fan inside my room isn't working and I can't turn on the AC because of power off. So I'm studying here." Zaala replies.

"Hunaif, Hunaif." Mr Faruqi shouts and his son Hunaif enters the hall rubbing his sleepy eyes, "yes dad."

"Is that table fan in the storeroom fully charged?" Asks Mr Faruki.

"Yes, dad," Hunaif replies.

"Bring it and keep it in Zaala's room." Mr Faruqi then goes to sleep and Hunaif brings the fan and places it on a stool inside Zaala's room and says, "now I'll get a peaceful sleep." He then leaves from there.


"This theory assumes that subjective emotional experiences result from psychological changes within our bodies..." When Zaala is reading James Lange's theory of emotion she hears some noise near her window as if someone is whispering something.

She gets afraid but still goes near the window to have a look. "What are you doing here?" She asks in a frightened tone.

"Came to meet you." Sanil replies.

"What if someone sees you?" Zaala gets afraid.

"There's no one around, no street light and it's totally dark outside. Now open the window so that I can come inside." Sabil tells her.

"No, no, please don't. If dad finds out I'll be in great trouble." Zaala replies in panic.

"Don't worry I won't stay more than ten minutes." Zaala then removes the mosquito net from her window with shaking hands and Sabil enters inside. Upon entering he fixes the mosquito net again and stands near Zaala observing her room. "Nice room." He says. Seeing him standing so close Zaala's heart starts beating so fast as if it's ready to come out of its rib cage.

"Don't you offer something when guests arrive at your place, not even a salam?" Sabil asks and Zaala opens her mouth to reply but doesn't find words to do so. She opens and closes her mouth several times but nothing comes out.

Sabil holds her hands and takes her towards her bad. He makes her sit beside him maintaining some distance between them, "Hey, are you ok? I'm just joking. You are looking pale."

"I'm...I'm...I'" She replies.

"Ok take a deep breath." He says. She does but when she exhales her breath doesn't come out even because of her shivering. Sabil laughs at her frightened state.

"My love don't get so much frightened." Sabil tries to calm her.

"I know what I'm doing is wrong, it's a sin," Zaala says with tears in her eyes.

"No Zaala it's not. To love someone is not a sin. It becomes a sin only when you cross your limits and do forbidden things falling prey to lust and desire. Peace, harmony, etc are all in this world because of love. Without love, this world won't be such a beautiful place to live, it will become an ugly place. We don't intend to do those forbidden deeds but we are intending to do the righteous thing and its marriage. We'll surely get married one day, I assure you and then our love will become halal." He explains and Zaala nods her head in agreement.


Early update for all my lovely readers who are eagerly waiting to read my story...🤗

This part is going to be continued in the next chapter too...😊

Get ready for some lovely moments...😍

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