Hell on Earth Part 1

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<A/N>In this chapter I'm calling Izuku as Izuku instead of Deku it symbolizes him cutting himself off from the others of class 1-A
When Izuku arrived in Tartarus he was put in a cell that was not singular but along with grown adults who after being placed in the cell gotten beaten up by the criminals in his cell luckily for him two guards came along and stopped the criminals brining Izuku to the clinic

The names of the guards being Felix and Mark now while Izuku was recovering in the clinic, Mark asked what was wrong shown by the troubled expression of Izuku

Izuku feeling like he could trust the two decided to tell them what happened about how he was quirkless and about how he was bullied for it and skipped to now he was framed and his 'friends' and even the heroes he looked up to did not believe him and called him a traitor without a second thought.

After saying this, Izuku thought that the guard would believe in the heroes and his supposed 'friends' but to his surprise, they believed him without a second thought

Felix seeing Izuku's expression replied that Mark's quirk was called truth seeker and that it had the power to know if people are telling the truth.

Understanding Izuku nodded then asked, "Then Felix what's your quirk?"

Felix then replied, "My quirk is special, it's called awakening, it allows me to bring forth power from people's ancestors."

Izuku eyes sparkled at the revelation and asked how it worked

Felix then said that he looks through a person's bloodline and from there ancestors the most powerful is picked that will allow a person to have powers of their ancestors, of course when I use this I can see a person's whole bloodline but usually the most powerful out of all ancestors happened when quirks first originated, but on rare occasions there are people with ancestors far more powerful than when quirks originated, it sort of makes you talk to your ancestor and they will be the one to help you train."

Izuku asked if Felix could use his quirk on him

Felix declined, seeing the heart broken boy he said that he will do it later on but he can't do it now since he recently used it on a friend's son who was apparently quirkless

Izuku's eyes shined as he thanked both Felix and Mark for helping him

Week 1-2

Izuku learned what real hell on Earth meant, he was beaten to a pulp when he woke up the next day, being saved by Mark and this time a guard named Sean who was more friendly than normal guards should be, Izuku then learned that Mark and Felix were telling the other guards about how Izuku was innocent, Izuku thanked them for their help.

Although the guards do help Izuku the prisoners just don't stop and continue beating Izuku and the guard save Izuku when they see him getting beat up, this cycle continued throughout the first two weeks of Izuku being in Tartarus

Week 3

On the third week of Izuku being in Tartarus the prisoners started noticing the obvious bias the guard has for Izuku and one of the prisoners got envious of how they were treating Izuku so he made a knife out of the plastic in the cafeteria and stabbed Izuku in his left eye

The amount of screaming attracted the attention of the guards specifically Felix, Mark and Sean, they saw what was happening so Felix took Izuku and rushed him to the prison's clinic to patch up Izuku's eye while Mark and Sean took the prisoner into solitude to be beaten up later (Because that was allowed in this prison)

After Izuku's eye was patched up he seemed emotionless whether it's because of the scars and bruises or just the mental trauma Izuku lost most of his emotions or at least he couldn't feel pain or be as happy as he was before

Felix noticing Izuku's dead soulless eyes felt bad since he wasn't able to do something, then remembered that he can

Placing his hand over Izuku's face he focused much to the boy's surprise but, it didn't show on his face

After a few minutes of doing that he smiled at Izuku saying hey now you have power

This surprised Izuku before he smiled, genuinely smiled since he got here filling Felix with warmth and even Mark and Sean who just walked in was filled with warmth the moment they saw Izuku but as quickly as it was there it vanished

Izuku looked emotionless again and said "Um... so what is my 'quirk'?"

Felix smiled and said "It took me a while but, it seems your bloodline is really powerful and I felt bad about not being able to stop that guy from stabbing your eye so instead of just 1... I was able to get you three powers"

Mark, Sean and Izuku looked at Felix in silence and shock before Felix broke the silence saying "Boy that sure got me tired, I could really use a nap" after this comment laughter ensued and even Izuku was chuckling

breaking the short laughter a tall man in a suit entered and 

The first thing he said was "so this is the boy?"

The three guards looked and stood in salute saying "Sir!"

Izuku just looked at him with the emotionless face he now very oftenly puts on 

The tall man said "Hello Izuku Midoriya" while looking at Izuku up and down, examining him

"I am the warden you may call me YT" the tall man countined with after a slight pause "from what Mark is telling me you have been framed and put in here fue to another and that ever since you have arrive here you have been beaten up everyday only to be saved by the guards and from what I see it is true, given the wound on your eye."

"So how about this, I let you stay out of the cells and let you have your own room you are allowed to train and make weapons in the workshop, but on the condition that you cannot tell anyone outside Tartarus what I have done for you" YT said

Izuku and the guards look surprised when Izuku asked "Why do this for me"

YT replied "I was like you once falsely accused of a crime I didn't commit and I was abused because of this, so I want to help you cause you remind me of how I once was"

Izuku was surprised and all he could do was stand up shake YT's hand "I accept and thank you sir"

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