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Hello there, so this is important, next week I am resuming school so I might not post next week and in the following it might be every two weeks update instead of every week, sorry about that but its school so... yeah, sorry, I'll try my best to post weekly or every two weeks, also someone asked me about what Izuku did to Eri with the Genjutsu, basically he used a Genjutsu on Eri to make time move slower in her head and for her to practice her quirk, I know that is not how it works but just roll with it, anyway enjoy the story


Izuku entered the forest near UA, siting under a tree Izuku closed his eyes as he was left with his thoughts, while back in USJ Nezu is talking with the heroes talking about how Izuku is innocent and how it was UA's mistake

Izuku POV <Finally a POV>

'It was nice to see Chiyo-san again, and its good to know that Shoto at least doubted that I was guilty, and even Shinso believes I'm innocent and Itsuka' Izuku thinks 

'I can't believe Itsuka is actually Itsuchan' Izuku thinks while blushing (This is a ship that my friend made me do so if you don't like it blame him, I'm ok with it I guess)

<Flashback Start> (There is swearing)

Katuski was bullying a young girl with orange hair, he kept beating her up with explosions until Izuku steps in

Izuku steps in saying "Kacchan stop it, your hurting her"

Katsuki laughs at Izuku as he says "Shut up you quirkless shit"

Izuku put up his arms while saying "Stop, this isn't how heroes should act"

Katsuki got pissed as Izuku stood up against him, using explosions Katsuki kept hitting Izuku as Izuku told the girl to run, doing as she was told she ran into the forrest

after seeing the girl run away Izuku stood up to make sure Katsuki wouldn't chase after her saying "I can do this all day" while putting his hands 

hearing this Katsuki got even more enraged and charged Izuku hitting him with more explosions saying "After I beat you up, I'll go get that bitch and beat her up too"

hearing this Izuku got angry as his blood started pumping and suddenly both his eyes tuned red...

Katsuki didn't notice Izuku's eye change but for the next minute all of katsuki's attacks missed, after that minute Izuku felt exhausted as Katsuki continued to beat him up after a whole hour Katsuki finally stopped leaving Izuku while going home ...

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Katsuki didn't notice Izuku's eye change but for the next minute all of katsuki's attacks missed, after that minute Izuku felt exhausted as Katsuki continued to beat him up after a whole hour Katsuki finally stopped leaving Izuku while going home but not before laughing at Izuku, after a minute Izuku stood up and patted the dust off of himself, sure his body was bruised and bloody but Izuku was already used to this kind of treatment to the point that Katsuki's explosions don't hurt as much anymore

After Izuku finished patting himself down he walked into the forest to look for the girl, after walking through the forest for a few minutes he heard crying, when he got to where the crying was he found the girl holding her knee that was bleeding

Izuku Betrayed Emotions [BNHA X Naruto]Where stories live. Discover now