The First Revelation

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Hello there Cythro here

Some Random readers that learned my email address: Happy Birthday (Seriously please do not fill up my email it is getting tiring)

*Checks last chapter and sees what Izuku has done*

Cythro: IZUKU!!!!

The cast: Surprise (Sebastian holding a cake)

Cythro: ...

The Cast: ...

Cythro: I am revealing the new story to the viewers

Izuku: No!!

*Cythro takes cake and places it on a table*

Cythro: Too late

*Cythro fixes 4th Wall*

Cythro: On with the story

A/N: Although it was tiring thank you for the greetings in the Emails it really means a lot

<A Day ago/ 2 Days after the call>

Izuku once again woke up at 5 am stretching and getting ready walking out 5 minutes later for his daily workout walking out he passed by Shoto's door and decided that he would wake Shoto to see if he wanted to join so Izuku knocked and waited... and their was no response so again he knocked and nothing Izuku waited 5 minutes before deciding to peek inside Shoto's room with Kamui 

Using Kamui Izuku looked inside to see Melissa sleeping on the bed with Shoto Izuku was silently chuckling saying "So much blackmail" after 3 minutes of moving Melissa and Shoto into different positions for blackmail Izuku decided to leave before they woke up it was now 5:20 so Izuku walked out of the dorm only to be met with Itsuka seeing Izuku in a Black tank top showing off his muscles seemed to get to Kendo as she started to blush Izuku just smiled as he walked up to her, "Hey Kendo good to see you again" Kendo blushed and just nodded "Y-Yeah" 

Izuku noticing her blush Izuku just chuckled and asked "So where you headed?" Kendo seeming to snap out of trance said "O-oh I am just headed home meet my family" Izuku seemed to brighten up a bit at that, Izuku smiled as he said "Can I come it has been a while since I have seen pops" Kendo just smiled as she said "Sure it has been a while since you visited, dad will be thrilled to see his favorite customer" Izuku laughed as he walked off with Kendo unknown to him that there are some figures following him

Walking on the sidewalk Kendo and Izuku were making short conversation as the figures followed them as two of them separated from the group and went to either side of them and pushed Izuku and Kendo at each other it ended with Kendo on top of Izuku and both of them blushing hard when they heard clicks going of they both turned to see Melissa and Mei taking pictures and Shoto and Shinso smirking at the two fallen friends, getting up Izuku got both Shoto and Shinso into a head lock and started to noogie them while Kendo just blushed and stared as the three started to bicker Izuku finally finishing his noggie session he just said "So what are you guys doing here" "We saw you and Kendo leaving and we decided to get some payback" Shoto replied Izuku just sighed as he said alright fine ya got me, now wanna get some breakfast or not?

The four just smiled and said "Sure" following and talking they arrived at a Ramen/Dojo place

Izuku just smiled as he remembered this place, the place that he and his mom went to often as he opened the door he said "POPS!" a man in his mid twenties with graying orange hair walked out from the kitchen with a grin on his face as he said "Izuku I haven't seen you for weeks, you used to come here once or twice every week" Izuku just sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck as he answered "Yeah sorry I was caught up with School and an... Event" Itsuka's father Arisu just got pissed as he said "I wanted to go against the school but then the Yayarozu family stepped in and fought against us, we weren't able to do anything since they are more influential than us, saying things like 'that boy is a demon or a monster' and such" 

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